Assigning 4-chromatic or 5-chromatic labels to a planar graph vertices, such that there's no 2 adjascent vertices that have the same colour.
- NetworkX
init waiting_list <- first_node
init visited list
While there's items in the waiting_list, do:
refresh options for colors
current_node = first on the waiting_list
(current_node gets to be popep out from waiting list)
add all neighbors to waiting list, if they are not there and they are not listed in visited
color current_node:
remove curent_node's neighbors' colors (if they exist) from the options
color with the first option in the list
maked the current_node as visited
Plot graph
- use
to plot or make gif -> custom input of parameters
dictionary -> adjacency matrix -> graph
check planarity
color nodes such that every 2 adjacent nodes have different labels -> it will probably clash around the 5-degree vertice
order the neighbors of 5-degree vertice in clockwise order
swap color between vertice 1 and 3 if they are not connected, otherwise swap colours of v2 and v4.
plot the graph using the right color labels
- for a static plot, use coloring2 function from
; for gif,
from fiveCC - theory and explanation for 5-coloring in the notebook
- didn't work for randomly generated graphs -> neighbors of 5d node should connected for it to work (?)