Hi! I'm from Canada and have been programming during our Corona Vacation starting November of 2020. I've taken a deep interest in solving problems with technology ever since and am now focusing on Web Dev.
Here are my Project Highlights:
- https://github.com/kivakiva/story-time (ReactJS, Tailwind CSS + Daisy UI, Node.js, Express, PostGreSQL)
- https://github.com/DonThePhan/Grid-Path-Finder (ReactJS)
- https://github.com/DonThePhan/ecommerse (ReactJS)
- https://github.com/DonThePhan/food-api (ReactJS)
- https://github.com/DonThePhan/Tetris (Python)
- https://github.com/DonThePhan/Web-Sudoku-Solver (Bootstrap)
- Full-Stack
- ReactJS, Next.js
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS, EJS, jQuery
- Tailwind CSS + Daisy UI
- Python, Flask, SQLite
- Bootstrap
- PostGreSQL, MongoDB, Mongoose
- Git
- 🚲 Biking and tuning up bikes are my newest hobby!
- 🕺 Social dancing &
✈️ Travelling - 🚐 Vanlife
- 🛠️ I love building things