This is a portfolio website showcasing information about Cuphead, a bounty hunter. The website features various sections and elements to provide a comprehensive overview of Cuphead's skills and background.
The header section contains a navigation bar with links to different sections of the portfolio. The navigation links have a smooth hover effect with a transition. In the mobile version, the links are not displayed.
This section provides a description of Cuphead and showcases their skills using progress bars. The progress bars have animated CSS animations, adding visual appeal and interactivity to the portfolio.
The contact form allows visitors to get in touch with Cuphead. It includes the following input fields:
- Name (required)
- Last Name (required)
- Phone (required)
- "How did you meet me?" radio inputs (required)
- University
- Keepcoding kick-off
- School
- On Github
- Github Tag (validation using regexp "^@[^\s]+" - @username)
- Message with additional user information (textarea with a maximum of 180 characters, required)
- Newsletter subscription (checkbox)
- Save button
- Reset button
The form inputs have the correct types and HTML validation to ensure accurate data entry.
The footer section includes links to Cuphead's social media profiles. These links direct users to external resources.
Created by Doplax.Dev in 2023.