This repository aims to optimize the Tno operator proposed in the paper Toeplitz Neural Network for Sequence Modeling. The main equation is the following format:
In practice, we use the Tno operator in each feature dimension, so the complete formula is as follows:
Although the theoretical complexity is
(b = 8, d = 64).
Forward mode:
Backward mode:
(b = 8, n = 2048).
Forward mode:
Backward mode:
(d = 512, n = 2048).
Forward mode:
Backward mode:
## fp32
small: "wps": "5426.5", "ups": "1.32", "wpb": "4096
medium: "wps": "2630.2", "ups": "0.64", "wpb": "4096"
small: "wps": "6100.3", "ups": "1.49", "wpb": "4096"
medium: "wps": "3081.4", "ups": "0.75", "wpb": "4096"
small: "wps": "5354.6", "ups": "1.31", "wpb": "4096"
medium: "wps": "2687.5", "ups": "0.66", "wpb": "4096"
## fp16
small: "wps": "30159.9", "ups": "7.36", "wpb": "4096"
medium: "wps": "17607", "ups": "4.3", "wpb": "4096"
small: "wps": "21793.7", "ups": "5.32", "wpb": "4096"
medium: "wps": "12290.8", "ups": "3", "wpb": "4096"
small: "wps": "13463", "ups": "3.29", "wpb": "4096"
medium: "wps": "7453.3", "ups": "1.82", "wpb": "4096"
- Implemention use in our paper.
- Add note_cnt.
- Add forward and backward derivation.
- Add forward and backward code(causal v1).
- Add forward and backward value check(causal).
- Add speed test(causal).
- Add forward and backward code(causal v2).
- Add no transpose version(causal v3).
- Add cpu/gpu speed stat and curve.
- Add develop log.
- Add profile.
- Porting fftconv from H3.
- Add Block FFT.
- Fix fftconv value bug.
- Add memory stat and curve.
- Add support for fp16 and bf16.