Terminal Server Remote Control for Windows 2012 or later
This project was created to implement a simple application that enables a user to control certain functionalities from a Terminal Server.
The functionalities of this application are:
- Maintain a list of terminal server machines
- For each machine on the list:
- List the connected users
- For each connected user
- Remote control the session of the user
- Send a message to the user
- Logoff the user
This project uses the Cassia .NET library. Cassia is a .NET Windows Terminal Services library that uses the MIT License and can be found at https://code.google.com/p/cassia/ or at https://github.com/gunmetal313/cassia
This project uses the DataGridView Filter Popup library. DataGridView Filter Popup is a .NET library developed by Vincenzo Rossi that extents DataGridView capabilities to add row filtering. The library can be found at https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/33786/DataGridView-Filter-Popup