Kawaii VNDB API for Elixir
In order to start global client use EliVndb.Client.start_link/1
or EliVndb.Client.start_link/3
without options or with :global
set to true.
Since the client registered globally, once client is started, all other API functions will become available.
As VNDB allows login only once, you need to re-create it anew in order to re-login.
You can use method EliVndb.Client.stop/0
to terminate currently running global client.
In order to start local client use EliVndb.Client.start_link/1
or EliVndb.Client.start_link/3
with :global
set to false.
To use local client, you'll need to provide its pid in all API calls.
NOTE: VNDB allows only up to 10 clients from the same API. Global client is preferable way to work with VNDB API.
Just retrieves statistics from VNDB.
Each get command requires to specify flags & filters.
Following default values are used by EliVndb:
flags = ["basic"]
filters = (id >= 1)
On success it returns {:results, %{...}}
Each set command requires you to provide ID of modified object.
On success it returns {:ok, %{...}}
NOTE: For set commands successful response contains empty payload as of now. You might as well to ignore it.
Each function that returns map with keys as strings.
def deps do
[{:vndb, "~> 0.2.0"}]