MasterVampire 0xD12d68Fd52b54908547ebC2Cd77Ec6EbbEfd3099 implements the core logic behind Dracula Protocol.
DraculaToken 0xb78B3320493a4EFaa1028130C5Ba26f0B6085Ef8 ERC20-interface compliant token with minter set to Master Vampire and vote-delegating functionality.
IVampireAdapter interface that allows Master Vampire to uniformly communicate with various target pools, effectively shadowing all the differences between them. Every victim's adapter smart-contract implements this interface. The interface also contains several informational methods that will be used in Governance for automatic reward redistribution.
VampireAdapter is a helper library, that makes delegate calls from Mater Vampire to target adapters.
There are several adapters to the most popular farming contracts. Every one of them is a separate contract that implements the IVampireAdapter interface.
SushiAdapter 0x5846b3A199d7746e6e4c06c95ddeEC299a18063a
LuaAdapter 0x7E15Af078beCbb86af07Ebf59378DAA813cAf54C
UniswapAdapter 0x6E95fdEd84CA29F5c15501abcF10Fd7a410cE353
PickleAdapter 0x5403fFd517dFe40BeF9A48997d0C6896Ed0c7f28
YfvAdapter 0xfD92F42bA498F7e86882C66f82eAC6547a2106f6