This is the music only bot used on the Dragons Discord
- play tracks from youtube, spotify and soundcloud
- loop your searched tracks
- volume controll
- player dashboard
- active dev
- at least Python Version 3.11
- git
- a discord bot token
- server hosting lavalink
- py-cord
pip install py-cord
- pycord-multicog
pip install pycord-multicog
- pomice (removed the requirement)
pip install git+
This JSON file is a configuration file for a Discord bot that connects to Lavalink servers. The key represents the name of the node which is used only in the program. The values correspond to their respective variables used in the program.
Usage To set up the Lavalink servers in the configuration file, follow these steps:
- Open the JSON file in a text editor.
- Add a new node to the JSON file by using the following format:
"node_name": {
"HOST": "ip_address_of_the_Lavalink_server",
"PORT": port_number_of_the_Lavalink_server,
"PASSWORD": "password_for_the_Lavalink_server",
"SECURE": boolean_value_for_secure_connection,
"SPOTIFY_ID": "spotify_client_id",
"SPOTIFY_SECRET": "spotify_client_secret"
- Replace the values in the above format with the actual values of your Lavalink servers and Spotify credentials.
- Save the file.
Once the configuration file is set up, the Discord bot will use the specified Lavalink servers to play audio.
from pathlib import Path
DISCORD_TOKEN = "" # here you enter your discord token you got under
DBPATH = Path("./data/main.sqlite")
DBFOLD = Path("./data/")
GUILDS = [] # here you enter the guild ids you want the bot to work on