An easy javascript class for easy custom social sharing.
Register an app with facebook
Get the App ID
Be sure to include the Facebook Javascript SDK
Set the App domain in the Facebook app settings.
You need to set your app to public for normal users to use the facebook share
Facebook: Accepts custom inputs and formatting
Twitter: Accepts custom inputs and formatting, link will always be the last part of the tweet. If you want the link to be within the tweet don't include a link.
Twitter: Accepts custom inputs and formatting
LinkedIn: Accepts custom inputs and formatting
g+: Scrapes your page according to the URL passed. This looks at the meta tags.
` `
Create the sharer
var sharer = new SocialShare();
Create a share object which will look like this -
var share_obj = { method: "feed", link: "LINK TO SHARE", picture: "URL TO IMAGE MUST BE ABSOLUTE PATH", name: "THE NAME DISPLAYED", caption: "THE CAPTION", description: "THE DESCRIPTION" }
For Facebook:
For Twitter:
For LinkedIn:
For g+:
For Pinterest: