This project is a React refresher project from ZeroToMastery's Next.js course. The project displays a list of robot friends that can be searched and filtered based on user input.
- Displays a list of robot friends with their images, names, and email addresses
- Allows users to search and filter the list of robot friends based on their name and email
- Shows a "No results found" message if the search results are empty
- Shows a "loading" message while waiting for the API to fetch image
- React
- RoboHash API
- JSON Placeholder API
- Improve the UI design
- Added loading/empty data stats
- Refactor the code to make it more modular and reusable
- Updated the API endpoint to use the JSON Placeholder API to generate robot data instead of local data.
- Add more search and filter options, such as filtering by email address or sorting by name
- Website - Rocky Barua
- Frontend Mentor - @Drougnov
- Twitter - @itz_rocky_barua
- LinkedIn - Rocky (Biplob) BARUA