This Repo. is used for our ACM MM2023 paper:
Recurrent Multi-scale Transformer for High-Resolution Salient Object Detection, ACM MM2023 (
We contribute a new HRSOD dataset named HRS10K, which contains a total of 10,500 images, dividing 8,400 images for training and 2,100 images for testing.
Download Link:
Baidu [Extracting code: a750]
- PyTorch 1.12.1
- python 3.8
- cudatoolkit 11.6
- OpenCV
- einops
- timm
- skimage
- tqdm
- tenosorboard
You can initialize a new conda enviroment as follow:
# Create New Enviorment
conda create -n RMFormer python=3.8
# CUDA & PyTorch
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
# Others
conda install tqdm tensorboard tensorboardX
pip install opencv-python einops timm scikit-image
The directory should be like this:
-- loss (loss function)
-- model (model structure)
-- save_models (pretrained model)
|-- Atemp (save training process models)
|-- pretrain (pretrain swin model)
| |-- swin_base_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth
-- train_data (train/test datasets, change in ./
|-- HRS10K
| |-- image
| |-- mask
| |-- Results
| |-- image
| |-- mask
| |-- Results
| |-- image
Modify the dir in ./
, then run:
Download Swin pretrain model, save them in ./save_models/pretrain
The link below is from
Baidu [Extracting code:swin]
Change the dataset directory, training setting in ./
Make sure --itr_epoch
in training_param
is set correctly
then run:
- After training, models will be saved in
- Tensorboard log files are in
We trained model in three different training setting: DH, UH and KUH
These trained models be download here:
Baidu [Extracting code:iavg] Google Drive
The saliency maps of our RMFormer can be download here:
Baidu [Extracting code:4h2g] Google Drive
Notice: We have reorganized the code and achieved enhanced performance by adjusting the parameter initialization before training. If you would like to access the improved models, please download them from the provided link below.
Trained models: Baidu [Extracting code:a2r6] Google Drive
Saliency maps: Baidu [Extracting code:akhg] Google Drive
Change the paths in ./
, then run:
- After testing, saliency maps will be saved in the
The code in ./
is from:
We also use the evalutation below to generate results in our paper:
Some modifications are made in our codes for generating mBA results.
You can refer to codes in ./
If you have any problems. Please concat