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Loki~'s Dotfiles

Screenshots - wallpaper

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Software Shown:

Screenshot 01: [ top-Left: modified z3bra's | [ bottom-left: terminal colours ] | [ bottom-right: neofetch ]
Screenshot 02: [ left: ranger ] | [ right: vim ]
Screenshot 03: [ top: ncmpcpp ] | [ bottom: cava ]


OS: Arch Linux
CPU: Intel i5-2520m [4] @ 2.50GHz
GPU: Integrated
WM: i3-gaps
Term: urxvt
Font: Terminus
Bar: Lemonbar with xft patch.


My personal dotfiles. Most of this stuff is temporary. A lot of the files contain placeholder variables for sensitive data like passwords and usernames. Those files are:

  • .gitconfig
  • .mpdasrc
  • .msmtprc
  • .fdm.conf
  • .netrc


In this section I will be listing each config file and which piece of software they are specifically for.
In most cases I will link the git repo if available or the Arch Wiki page for software instead of their project pages as I find these are more informative.

file/folder associated software description
.vimrc vim Highly configurable CLI text editor.
.vim/ vim Stores plugin files and colourschemes.
.xbindkeyssrc Xbindkeys I use this to make sure my mouse buttons are mapped to forward and back.
.netrc part of the GNU Inetutils suite Stores login information for auto-login to remote servers. I use this for my email.
.msmtprc msmtp Simple SMTP client. I use this to send emails.
.mpdasrc mpdas Scrobbles from MPD to
.mailrc S-nail CLI mail client.
.gitconfig git Config file for the git version control system.
.gitignore_global git Stores files and file extensions that will be ignored when running git commands.
.fdm.conf FDM Fetches and Delivers my emails.
.bashrc bash Bash user config file. Contains command aliases, exports, etc.
.scripts/ rofi Script to run Rofi, a better replacement for dmenu. Including this because it's essential for my every day workflow.
.scrips/ none Script for taking screenshots and uploading them to a pomf clone. Bound to keys in i3's config for quick screenshot shortcuts.
.scripts/ sprunge (NOT AN APPLICATION) Custom script for quickly uploading files to the Sprunge website.
.Xresources Xresources Used to configure X applications such as URxvt's colours and font settings.
.Xresources.d/ Xresources Optional folder. Stores config files for individual applications and are linked in ~/.Xresources using #include
.themes/ GTK+ Used to store the GTK themes for GTK applications such as PCManFM or Nautilus.
.scripts/ none Stores all of my scripts that I have written or found and use for various purposes.
.ncmpcpp/ ncmpcpp Stores the ncmpcpp Config. CLI frontend for MPD.
.icons/ GTK+ Used to store the Icon Themes used by GTK applications.
.gimp-2.8/ GIMP Stores files used by GIMP such as tool options and keybinds.
.fonts/ fontconfig Stores user fonts to be used in applications.
.config/ system Stores user config files for individual applications.
.config/beets/ Stores configs for the Beets media tagger.
.config/cava/ cava Stores the config for the Cava CLI audio visualiser.
.config/fontconfig/ fontconfig Stores config files for fontconfig.
.config/git/ git Stores misc config files for Git.
.config/gtk-2.0/ GTK Stores the config file for GTK-2.0 applications.
.config/gtk-3.0/ GTK Stores config files for GTK-3.0 applications.
.config/i3/ i3 Stores the config file for the i3 Dynamic Tiling Window Manager.
.config/mirage/ mirage Stores for the Mirage GTK+ Image Viewer.
.config/mpd/ MPD Stores the config and other necessary file for MPD.
.config/mpv/ MPV Stores config and plugin files for the MPV Video Player.
.config/neofetch/ neofetch Stored the config file for the Neofetch CLI System info tool.
.config/networkmanager-dmenu/ networkmanager-dmenu Stores the config file for networkmanager-dmenu. Configured to work with Rofi instead of dmenu.
.config/pcmanfm pcmanfm Stores the config for the PCManFM file manager.
.config/ranger/ ranger Stores the config for the Ranger commandline file manager. Needs w3m for image support.
.config/transmission/ transmission Stores the configs for the Transmission CLI BitTorrent client.
.config/compton.conf compton Config file for the Compton compositor.