A website that shows the user several types of cuisines to choose from. When the user clicks on one of them, it shows a list of restaurants that serve that type of cuisine. It also allows you to add a resturant if you want, with a list of details about it using a form.
- As a user I'm able to choose a cuisine.
- As a user I'm able to see a list of restaurants and some details about them.
- As a user I'm able to add a new restaurant by filling a form only if I'm logged into the website.
- As a user I sign up to the website.
- Home page:
- Login and sign up:
- images:
- 1.png
- 2.png
- 3.png
- AbuMazin.png
- TabonAlreef.png
- KFC.png
- RozaChrunchy.png
- Q-Cany.png
- Segafredo.png
- logo.png
- index.html
- style.css
- index.js
- images:
- database:
- test:
- databaseTest.js
- db_build.js
- db_build.sql
- db_connection.js
- test:
- queries:
- getData.js
- postData.js
- server:
- test:
- test.js
- handler.js
- router.js
- server.js
- test:
- database:
- .gitignore
- .travis.yml
- package.json