This is a Discord Chatbot for the popular camp game werewolfs.
- Install python 3.6 (Important as of now 3.7 does not work) 0.1 pip install discordpy (there might be more just look at the imports in
- Download repository
- Create a discord-bot on the discord website
- Create in /code
- add token from discord-bot
- join bot to your server: "<Bot_Client_ID>&scope=bot&permissions=2146958839" replace "Bot_Client_ID" with your bot client id (wow)
- Make a chat on your server in whitch public messages are sent
- Add roles "sleeping" and "Dead"
- Change permissions of both so that nobody can write messages when sleeping or Dead (You can change that but then it is possible to cheat)
- Make sure that all people who are online want to play (might be changed in the future)
- Write "start" in the main chat.
- Enjoy :D If there are any problems pleas let us know so we can fix them
This project was realised during the "fascinating informatics week" of schweizer jugend-forscht. The creators are Gian-Andrea Cantinello and Raphael Zumbrunn Feel free to develop the project further but please add the credits.
This project uses discordpy by Rapptz /MIT link to Repository: