I am a third year Software development student at GMIT and the following is a chatbot using Go lang, HTML, JavaScript and Regular Expressions
- The main aim of this project was to increase my knowledge of Go lang, HTML, JavaScript and Regular Expressions.
- Also to use those languages to show how data can be taken in, used and new data represented.
- You will need to have Go installed on the Computer you are using. If you do not have Go you can download it from https://golang.org/dl/
- Download a zip of the project or use git clone.
- Open cmd,cmder or git bash in the folder with the project inside.
- Once you are in the folder that has main.go you can run the app by typing in :
Go run main.go
Go build main.go
and run the main.exe
You will must likely be prompted by your firewall about using it on the network. You can allow or cancel it. The app will run on your machine either way.
Once the app is running, which you can tell from looking at your command line and seeing today's date & time and the words Listening, You can navigate to : localhost:8080 on your browser.
Below is a list of inputs Eliza can deal with well, you are free to try anything though:
- Hello or Hi
- My name is ____
- I like ____
- Sorry
- Why do you ____
- I need ____
- Are you ____
- Will you ___
- Do you remember___
- Where do you live ___
- I live in ____
- Eliza
- Yes
- No
- Tell me a joke or tell joke
- Have you any advice for me?
- Tell me about the robot apocalypse
- Bye/goodbye/see you
- Will notice if you are speaking about your Mum or Dad.
Eliza in other languages :
Ajax :
- https://www.w3schools.com/xml/ajax_intro.asp
- https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/ajax_ajax.asp
- https://openclassrooms.com/courses/use-javascript-on-the-web/make-your-first-ajax-request
Regular Expressions:
Go Lang:
Html & JavaScript :
MarkDown :
I also used a lot of Class notes and links given through our class site.
Author : Thomas Duffy, GMIT.