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Functionality: Firewall

Sophist edited this page Aug 26, 2018 · 1 revision

If you set mIRC's options correctly, it can be pretty secure against malicious users unilaterally sending you virus laden files that you haven't requested and against accepting dangerous types of files.

Unfortunately with these settings mIRC is pretty unfriendly for file sharing because you have to manually accept every file - and if file requests are being queued, it might be some time before the file send starts and you may no longer be at the computer.

dlFilter can help with this and act as as kind of mIRC firewall. In essence, you should set mIRCs DCC options securely, and dlFilter then takes note of any files you have explicitly requested and when a server tries to send you a file it only accepts the file if it is one you have explicitly requested.

As time permits I will add screen shots here to describe how you should set mIRC's DCC options when you are running dlFilter.