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Nginx AutoLS Module


What is AutoLS

AutoLS aims to be a more customizable variant of the built-in AutoIndex Module, which provides simple directory listings. To achieve this, the output is generated by a user definable template, which can be set per location.

Once a template is written, it can be further manipulated through the nginx config, which allows you to do a variety of things:

  • Fully user definable page look
  • Add CSS styles or JS code
  • Add your own header and footer
  • All of the above but change parts of it via nginx config with the same template

You can also define rules which filter out files/directories which you don't want to list (e.g. protected folders or files starting with '.').

The default configuration of AutoLS will try mimic AutioIndex's layout but is a bit more stable when handling unicode, so it will handle most latin characters properly. You will still see alignment issues when displaying complex characters (i.e. combining characters or asian characters which have different sizes)
If this is an issue, use/build a template which does not rely on monospace font (i.e. with html tables).


Syntax: autols (on | off)
Default: autols off
Context: http, server, location
Enables autols directory listing.

Syntax: autols_template_path "/Path/To/Template/File"
Default: autols_template_path ""
Context: http, server, location
Sets the template to use. If empty, the default template is used.

Syntax: autols_sections "Section1" ["Section2"] [...]
Default: autols_sections ""
Context: http, server, location
Sets the sections to include for templating.
(Statements are concatenated)

Syntax: autols_variables "Key1=Var1" ["Key2=Var2"] [...]
Default: autols_variables ""
Context: http, server, location
Sets the variables to be used for templating.
(Statements are concatenated)

Syntax: autols_ignores "Entry1" ["Entry2"] [...]
Default: autols_ignores ""
Context: http, server, location
Sets the entries which will not be shown in the directory listing. If nginx is compiled with regex support each entry is treated as a regex pattern and is matched against the request uri combined with the filename. With no regex support, an exact match is performed. (Statements are concatenated)

Syntax: autols_local_time (on | off)
Default: autols_local_time off
Context: http, server, location
Enables showing file times as local time. Default is "off" (GMT time).

Syntax: autols_print_debug (on | off)
Default: autols_print_debug off
Context: http, server, location
Print debug info. Enable only for debugging purposes!


Templating is relatively simple. There are only two different 'statements':

  • Sections: <!--{SectionName}-->Code in section<!--{/SectionName}-->
  • Will be skipped if it is not defined in autols_sections
  • EntryLoop is a special section and will be repeated for every file/directory
  • Variables: <!--[VariableName?Attribute1=Value1&Attribute2]-->
  • Variables are replaced by their value and can be formatted by attributes (order matters)
  • Variables can be defined in autols_variables, there are also some predefined variables

####Predefined Variables ReplyCharSet
Context: Anywhere
The character set to use. By default UTF-8 (Changeable by config).

Context: Anywhere
The request uri.

Context: EntryLoop
Is "1" iif the entry is a directory otherwise "0".

Context: EntryLoop
The date when the file was last modified dd-mm-jjjj hh:MM.

Context: EntryLoop
The filesize, empty for directories. TODO

Context: EntryLoop
The filename.

####Attributes Format
Syntax Format=PrintfSyntax
Context: All
Formats the value with printf syntax for the format string.

Syntax Escape=(UriComponent | Uri | Html)
Context: All
Escapes the value with the method specified.

Syntax MaxLength=10
Context: All
Trims the string and appends "..." to length specified if necessary (ellipsis in count included).

Syntax AsLossyAscii=?
Context: Anywhere
Performs a lossy conversion from Unicode to Ascii, replacing multibyte characters by the specified character.

Syntax Separator=,
Context: EntryLoop
Appends the specified separator after each produced entry, except for the last.

Syntax StartAt=40
Context: All inside EntryLoop
Prepends spaces until the specified position is reached, relative to EntryLoop section start.

Syntax NoCount
Context: All inside EntryLoop
Added value length is ignored by StartAt.

Syntax Utf8Count
Context: All inside EntryLoop
Uses Utf8 length instead of Ascii length.

Default Template

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="<!--[ReplyCharSet]-->">
    <title><!--[RequestUri]--> (AutoLS)</title><!--{JSVariable}-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var dirListing = [<!--{EntryLoop?Separator=,}-->
          "isDirectory": <!--[EntryIsDirectory]-->,
          "modifiedOn": "<!--[EntryModifiedOn]-->",
          "size": <!--[EntrySize]-->,
          "name": "<!--[EntryName]-->"
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<!--[JSSource]-->"></script><!--{/JSSource}--><!--{CSSSource}-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<!--[CSSSource]-->"><!--{/CSSSource}-->
  <body bgcolor="white"><!--{Body}-->
    <h1>Index of <!--[RequestUri]--></h1>
    <pre><!--{EntryLoop}--><a href="<!--[EntryName?Escape=Uri&NoCount]-->"><!--[EntryName?MaxLength=66&Utf8Count]--></a><!--[EntryModifiedOn?StartAt=82]--> <!--[EntrySize?Format=%24s]-->

####User Defined Sections Sections will only appear in the result if they are defined in autols_sections.
JSVariable: Creates a global JS variable with the file/directory info
JSSource: Create a JS source link section in the header. (Use JSSource variable to set the url)
CSSSource: Create a CSS source link section in the header. (Use CSSSource variable to set the url)
Body: Creates the html body

####User Defined Variables Head: Add custom code to html head
Header: Custom html body header
JSSource: JS Source url
CSSSource: CSS Source url
Footer: Custom html body footer


  • Clone this repository. Search for the config file in cloned repository and note path (without filename)
  • Get nginx sources from, any 1.4.* or greater version should do
  • Extract and enter folder and run ./Configure --add-module=DirectoryPathToConfigFile [some more settings]
  • After that was sucessful run make install (you probably need to prepend sudo for it to work)
  • For more information refer to Building Nginx From Source

Tip: You can use the -V argument on a deployed nginx to get the parameters it was configured with.


Flexible nginx auto index module







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