Welcome to our eBanking app!
Our eBanking app is a convenient and secure way for our customers to manage their finances on-the-go. With our app, users can easily view their account balance, make transactions, and manage their billing.
We will be using Git to manage our project and have two main branches:
- main: This branch will contain complete features that have been thoroughly tested and are ready for release.
- beta: This branch will contain incomplete features that are still being worked on and tested.
To collaborate on the project, please follow these steps:
1- Clone a repository to your local machine.
2- Create a new branch with a descriptive name for the feature you will be working on.
3- Make your changes and commit them to your personal branch.
4- Push your changes to your personal branch.
5- Create a pull request to the beta branch when you are ready for your changes to be reviewed and merged.
6- Once your changes have been reviewed and approved, they will be merged into the beta branch.
7- When all the features in the beta branch are complete and thoroughly tested, they will be merged into the main branch and released for production build.