Creating app From Scratch
Step 1. To setup latest Ruby & Rails version find this link for installing On different OS. Linux, Windows, Mac
step 2. To create rails app run the following command
- rails new image-sharing-app
Step 3. add gem in Gemfile
'devise' - authentication
'carrierwave' - image uploads
'twitter-bootstrap-rails', :git => 'git://' - twitter bootstrap UI
Step 4. To install all the dependencies Run.
- bundle install
Step 5. To Generate mongoid config
- rails generate devise:install
- rails generate uploader Image
- rails generate bootstrap:install less
- rails generate bootstrap:install static
Step 6. To Migrate all the migration file Run
- rake db:migrate
Step 7. To Generate user model
- rails g model Album name:string image_count:integer
- rails g model Photo image:string title:string album:references
Step 8. To Generate controller Run
- rails g controller albums
- rails g controller photos
- rails g controller home
Step 9. add routes under Config/routes.rb file as
resources :albums
resources :photos, :except => [:index, :show]
devise_for :users
root :to => "home#index"
Cloning an Existing app in rails
Step 1. git clone YOUR_REMOTE_ADDRESS
Step 2. cd into your Repo
Step 3. To install all the dependencies Run
bundle install
Step 4. rails server