EBwilson is a foxgirl (boy) that 17 years ago forever 21 years ago, a college student, come from China. she can provide some help for you, such as:
- Counseling and resolution from her game, mod, and tools
- Help you solve some of the problems she knows
- Chat anything with you
- Play game with you (If she has free time and game you want to play)
She uses Kotlin
, Java
, C#
, TypeScript
, Lua
, and many other programming languages, but mainly using language that works on the JVM, if you want to ask her questions, she can only provide help about Java or Kotlin, other languages she just know how to use.
Frameworks and Engine she using: Unity
, LibGdx
, Ktor
, React
, and some she is forgotten.
You can call
, these are okey
If you want to use EBwilson, please follow the steps below:
- Contract with she in any social applications
- Make friend with she
- Wait she reply (If you using social app is from China, this be fast)
- CHAT !
- PLAY ! !
- HAPPY ! ! !
Social apps:
- Tencent qq: 2534946881
- Discord: EBwilson#4736
- Telegram: t.me/EB_wilson
This is core code of EBwilson:
object EBwilson: Person(), IFoxGirl{
override val age: Int
get() = 17 // 21
override val skills: SkillSet
get() = SkillSet.default().set(Skill.Kotlin to GOOD, Skill.Java to GOOD, Skill.Paint to WEAK, Skill.Sport to BAD, Skill.Game to Normal, Skill.RhythmGame to Good)
override fun appearance(): Apperance{
renturn Apperance(
Base(height = "170cm", weight = "51kg", physique = Physique.WEAK),
Hair(color = Color.write, length = "1.03m", state = HairState.STRAIGHT),
Eye(leftColor = Color.purple, rightColor = purple),
Ear(type = foxEar(inner = FoxEarInner.FURRY), color = arrayOf(Color.write, Color.black))
Face(looking = CUTE()),
Trail(type = foxTrail(), state = TrailState.FURRY)
fun main(){
if((0f..1f).random() > 0.76f) breakfast()
val chat = Thread{
while (true){
if(checkChat()) chat()
}catch(InterruptedException e){ break }
if(!Time.isHoliday) inClass()
else work()
if(!Time.isHoliday) inClass()
else if (schedule.isBusy()) work()
else playGame()
if (schedule.isBusy()) work()
else playGame()
if(Time.time in Time("00:00").num..Time("04:00").num){ // normally, in UTC+8
sleep(awakTime = Time.time + (Time.duration("08:00")..Time.duration("10:00")).random())
override fun work(){
val music = Thread{ listenMusic() }