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A React app that displays a summary of FX rates.

It uses API

Fixer is an open-source, simple, and lightweight API for current and historical foreign exchange (forex) rates published by the European Central Bank.The API updates rates daily around 4PM CET every working day. Historical rates go back to 1st January, 1999.


This app was created as an individual proyect to understand the groundings of SPAs, React, SASS, gulp and other dependencies. Due to the large ammount of information, the tools used may not be fully exploited or may contain bizarre inconsistencies to the expert eye, comments and Pull Requests are very much welcomed.

This application comes with no warranty of any kind. Its data is obtained through which in turn comes with no warranty as well.

Using the app

Once you have access to the code, and have installed npm (C9 have it installed by default), you need only to execute the following commands.

First install gulp and jest, as they are needed in the process.

npm install -g gulp
npm install -g jest

NOTE: You may need to prefix sudo for this commands to work: sudo npm install -g gulp.

Download the corresponding npm packages. These packages are specified in the package.json file. The command will create a node_modules directory.

npm install

Create the dev folder and open a listening port.

npm start

Or create the production's dist folder and open a listening port.

gulp production

Begin the Test Driven Development (TDD) cycle.

npm test

NOTE: This npm command is defined in the package.json, it will run jest --watch. Changes to .js and .test.js files will trigger the execution of their individual tests. Run all test with jest or pressing a while its interface is open.


Build dev directory and listen with browserSync:

npm start

This will transform all JSX into JS, and SASS into CSS. The resulting JS is inserted in a build.js file. The resulting CSS is inserted in a styles.min.css file. The corresponding changes to the index.html tags are made automatically.

NOTE: npm start will execute the gulp script, which in turn executes gulp's 'default' task. You can see this task in the gulpfile.js file. This command behaves exactly as gulp or gulp default. A port to listen and display this directory is created through browsersync. The gulpfile.js is instructed to refresh all browsers when there is a change in the app directory, getting live feedback o changes.


Build dist directory and listen with browserSync:

gulp production

This will transform all JSX into JS, and SASS into CSS. It will concatenate and minify all .js files into a single build.min.js file. It will also concatenate and minify all .css files (previously transformed from .scss files) into a single styles.min.css file. The corresponding changes to the index.html file, regarding <script> and <link> tags are automatically made to match the created compact version.

Gulpfile explained

The process of code transformation is carried out with gulp, the instructions are found in the gulpfile.js file. The tool pump is used for easier debugging of the gulpfile.js.


This is the process executed with the shell command gulp, in this proyect it is executed also with npm start.

The tasks executed are:

  1. 'sass'
  2. 'transform'
  3. 'replaceHTML-dev
  4. 'copy-public-dev'
  5. 'serve'


Take all the files in the app/css directory with a .scss file extension.

The files will be compacted and minified, a sourcemap is needed to debug this file, otherwise errors will be shown as relative to the minified .css file which are useless for development intentions. This is done with sourcemaps.init() and sourcemaps.write().

Take all .scss files and transform them into readable CSS code.

gulp-clean-css is used to eliminate unnecesary code in the resulting .css file, making it lighter and thus faster to load for the browser.

Concatenate all the code into a single file called styles.min.css. Finally place this file in the dev folder and reload all browsers with browsersync to see their effect.


A 'watcher' is created with watchify and browserify. This watcher needs only to receive the first .js file and will find all the other ones through the import instructions.

All the JSX code is transformed into readable JS with babelify. Babelify in turn uses the presets react and env (in package.json) to know how to behave.

Debug is set to true and the options cache, packageCache and fullPaths are needed for watchify to properly work.

When there is an 'update', the bundle function will be executed. This function contains the same code as the 'transform' gulp task.

The 'transform' task creates a "bundle" of these JS files and writes the output inside the dev directory, with the filename build.js.


As JS and CSS files are concatenated into new compact versions, the index.html file needs to know where they are located and how they are named.

The index.html file is taken, and the code inside the <!-- build:js --> and <!-- build:css --> tags is changed to point to the correct created files.


This process takes all files inside the public directory and copies them exactly into the dev folder.


A server is connected with gulp-connect. browser-sync is initialized.

Gulp will watch changes with the commands. Changes to SCSS files will trigger the transformation of SCSS into the single CSS file and reload browserSync. Changes to JS files trigger only the browserSync to reload, as its transformation process is handled with the watcher.on('change', bundle) instruction. Changes to the index.html file trigger its copy and tag replacement, followed by the reload of browserSync.


The production process is very similar to the default.

The JS build process is different: it will create an uglified version for a lighter file and faster browser performance.

The CSS does not need sourcemaps for debugging (as debugging is unnecesary in the production environment), and so they are not created.

The difference of copying the index.html and public files is only in the destination directory dist.

A server is connected to show files in the dist directory and browserSync initialized. No watching and reloading tasks are used in production.

App Context


You can recreate the behavior of this app by installing its corresponding packages individually. Packages were managed with npm. The app was created from scratch in a C9 environment, with a 'blank' template.

  1. npm install -g gulp
  2. npm install -g jest
  3. npm init
  4. npm install --save react react-dom
  5. npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-env babel-preset-react
  6. npm install --save-dev pump
  7. npm install --save-dev gulp
  8. npm install --save-dev gulp-sass
  9. npm install --save-dev browser-sync
  10. npm install --save-dev gulp-sourcemaps
  11. npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify
  12. npm install --save-dev gulp-clean-css
  13. npm install --save-dev gulp-html-replace
  14. npm install --save-dev gulp-connect
  15. npm install --save-dev vinyl-source-stream
  16. npm install --save-dev browserify
  17. npm install --save-dev watchify
  18. npm install --save-dev gulp-streamify
  19. npm install --save-dev babelify
  20. npm install --save-dev gulp-concat
  21. npm install --save-dev babel-jest
  22. npm install --save-dev jest
  23. npm install --save-dev jest-cli
  24. npm install --save-dev enzyme
  25. npm install --save-dev enzyme-adapter-react-16
  26. npm install --save-dev envify
  27. npm install --save-dev fusioncharts react-fusioncharts



A React app that displays a summary of FX rates.







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