- Launch School embodies part of my path to becoming a professional developer.
- It espouses mastery-based learning, meaning that progress is contingent upon successful completions of previous projects. Understaning is fixed, while time is variable under this model.
- This is contrary to traiditional time-based models where understanding is variable and time is fixed.
- The program begins with by teaching the fundamentals of back-end development via Ruby and covers vital topics such as HTTP, SQL and Relational Databases, and OOP. It then transtions to Front-End programming to master HTML, CSS, and Javascript. *
- After a foundation has been laid, the program moves on to teaching Frameworks(like Rails), Integrations, and Advanced Topics.
- Throughout the program, founder Chris Lee and staff give technical interviews to student to assert they're progressing and truly mastering the topic.
- The end goal of this program is be a full-stack engineer who truly understands the underpinnings of the web, and not just how to use a specific tool or two.
- Since I've already programmed in Python, Ruby/Rails, and C since the end of 2015, I've making fast progress and still going really deep into the material and should be prepared for anything.
- For more info checkout Launch School and their open book shelf
- Here's a link to the repo page for my most recent bring project with LS: Sinatra todo web app