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my .dotfiles

Git Aliases

  • Common
    • cm for commit
    • cme to add everything and commit
    • co for checkout
    • cob for checkout -b
    • fixup for commit --amend
    • cp for cherry-pick
    • st for status
    • br for branch
  • Specific for my development
    • cobf for checkout -b feature/<arg name of the branch>
    • cobb for checkout -b hotfix/<arg name of the branch>
    • cobh for checkout -b bugfix/<arg name of the branch>
    • cobr for checkout -b release/<arg name of the branch>
    • cof for checkout feature/<arg name of the branch>
    • coh for checkout hotfix/<arg name of the branch>
    • cor for checkout release/<arg name of the branch>
    • return to checkout to the main branch
    • glog to get a good log
    • slog to get a good short log
    • sdlog same as above but includes dates
    • save to add all changes including untracked files and do a temporal commit, I typically use this along with undo or amend
    • wip same to save but doesn't add untracked files
    • undo to reset the previous commit
    • wipe to commit everything in the working directory and then does a hard reset to remove that commit, but that commit can be restored.
    • up to update the current branch, it's possible this will removed and instead use ruffwd or rupffwd
    • down to push all branchs and tags
    • sync to synchronize the repo, it uses up to pull and down to push
    • aliases shows all git aliases
    • Complex
      • ruffwd and rupffwd do remote update, the later one with --prune and updates all tracking branches, see helper ffwd
      • brclean deletes every branch that’s been merged into the specified branch except the branch, when no branch is specified, it uses the default branch
      • brunsafed deletes every branch using -D that aren't the default, 'master', 'development', 'develop' or 'dev', stands for BRanch UNSAFE Delete
      • brd deletes every branch whose remote tracking branch is gone, this also uses -D
      • brdone goes to the main branch, updates with git up and cleans with brclean
      • migrate explanation from this post:

If I’m on a branch and want to migrate the local only commits over to master, I can just run $ git migrate new-branch-name. This works whether I’m on master or some other wrong branch.

I can also migrate the commits to a branch created off of something other than master using this command: $ git migrate new-branch other-branch

And finally, if I want to just migrate the last commit to a new branch created off of master, I can do this.

$ git migrate new-branch master HEAD~1

Parameter Type Description
branch-name required Name of the new branch.
target-branch required Defaults to "master". The branch that the new branch is created off of.
commit-range required The commits to migrate. Defaults to the current remote tracking branch.
  • Helpers
    • default prints the main branch
    • ffwd to update all tracking branches, more info

Bash Aliases

  • ist for Internet usage STadistic, it requires vnstat
  • onegai to execute the previous command as sudo
  • baka for git e.g. baka pull master, baka push master.


  • pl for php artisan
  • pls for php artisan serve
  • plt for php artisan test


Yet Another Video Downloader!

  • dv, goes to Downloads folder and downloads videos using youtube-dl in the specified quality or lower.


  • You need to define the default downloads folder as ~d e.g.
hash -d d='Your path to the downloads folder' # mine its '/home/alejandro/Downloads'


    $ dv <quality> <link> [localization] [extra]
  • quality: Max quality of the video but divided by 100 and rounded by default, e.g for 240p is 2, for 720p is 7, for 1080 is 10

  • link: Link of the video or the id or full name of the youtube video. see youtube-dl readme for more info

  • localization: Localization of the downloaded file, defaults to ~d.

  • extra: Currently it only accepts two options, and it can't be mixed:

    • w Downloads the video with the worst audio available
    • mp4 Downloads video in MP4 format

Note: You cannot change the order of the arguments, because I'm lazy, but I can accept PRs!

How I configured my terminal

This is from Coder's Tape Deployment Guide:

Let's make the prompt pretty

  • sudo apt-get install zsh to install ZSH
  • zsh --version to confirm install
  • whereis zsh to find out where it is
  • sudo usermod -s /usr/bin/zsh $(whoami) to make Zsh default
  • sudo reboot to reapply all changes
  • 2 to populate a default file
  • sudo apt-get install powerline fonts-powerline to install powerline
  • sudo apt-get install zsh-theme-powerlevel9k to install Theme
  • echo "source /usr/share/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme" >> ~/.zshrc to enable the theme in your Zshrc
  • exit and login again to see the new theme
  • sh -c "$(wget -O -)" for Oh My Zsh
  • echo "source /usr/share/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme" >> ~/.zshrc to re-enable 9K





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