Light-Years Faraway follows the adventure of three Astronauts (Minx, Ire, and Xenon) from the Outer Space and back to Earth. It is a space-themed game application created using C# and Visual Studio Code. It has Log In and Sign Up Pages, Main Menu, Storylines (with Guides), 3 Games (Lost In Space, Falling Stars, and Back To Earth), Character Selection, and an Ending Page.
This project served as a final requirement for the OOP10 course (BSIT, Year 2) at Angeles University Foundation.
This project has a MySQL Database.
- Run XAMPP and Create a Database:
CREATE TABLE gameusers (
username varchar(50) NOT NULL,
password varchar(50) NOT NULL
- Load the project (optional):
- If the project won't load double click the Light-YearsFaraway.sln file below all files when opened on your IDE.