This repository was created with the Autograding Python Assignments Template
Each exercise in this assignment is designed to be autogradable outside of the Github Classroom system by simply running:
python exercise/<exercise>.py
For each exercise, the signature and a docstring is given, the tests inside the
folder are for the Github Classroom Grading mechanism.
Important Note: Understanding all the concepts in these exersises is required to move to more advance topics such as Object Oriented Programming.
This repo covers a wide variety of Python basics and intermediate topics:
- Exercise 1: IF block, logical operators, max function and ternary operator.
- Exercise 2: Chained Comparisons, arbitary number of parameters, recursivity.
- Exercise 3: Boolean Expresions, multiple returns, single returns.
- Exercise 4: FOR loops, range, len, enumerate and zip.
These exercise are not yet uploaded but are planned to be released:
- Exercise 5: For-Else loops, continue, break, any, all and sets.
- Exercise 6: Lists, slicing, list Comprehensions with and without conditionals.
- Exercise 7: Dictionaries, specific methods, dictionary comprehensions.
- Exercise 8: Lambda functions, map, filter, reduce, sorted.
- Exercise 9: Closures, generators, co-routines and delegating generators.
- Exercise 10: Partial evaluation, Decorators and Monkey patching.