nasin nanpa (nanpa 2.5.1)
Click on "nasin-nanpa-2.5.1.otf" at the bottom of this page to download! (Under "Assets")
The new sitelen pona UCSUR is out!
- Following it's lead, the now renamed nasin nanpa (ona li nasin sitelen, tan anpa nanpa ;) ) successfully encodes and renders cartouches and containers in a clean way.
- Latin-characters-included version now available! It will be released in parallel with the main version. I'm modifying and using "Blooming Groove Bold" because it's of its open license. Look for "lasina-kin".
- Improved glyphs for some words, thanks to suggestions from jan Pumiko (tan jan ante kin pi kulupu kasi).
- Currently "supports" the automatic combination character ("-`" in the latest AHK script), but simply remaps it to the stacking joiner.
- Sideways emitters added as mu alternative.
- And lastly: the big change! We can now "officially" encode cartouches/long glyphs as start character, followed by the content, followed by the end character. This means that (in most contexts) there's no need for the manual "extender" characters that were needed before. The old "extender" style encoding remains however, for rendering contexts that don't support the necessary OpenType features.
If you're using nasin nanpa in Discord, you'll need to update your "Quick CSS" box, because of the name change. Here's what it should be:
:root {
--font-primary: Whitney,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"nasin-nanpa","Fairfax HD","insa pi supa lape";
--font-display: Ginto,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"nasin-nanpa","Fairfax HD","insa pi supa lape";
--font-code: Consolas,"Andale Mono WT","Andale Mono","Lucida Console","Lucida Sans Typewriter","DejaVu Sans Mono","Bitstream Vera Sans Mono","Liberation Mono","Nimbus Mono L",Monaco,"Courier New",Courier,monospace,"nasin-nanpa","Fairfax HD","insa pi supa lape";
--font-headline: Ginto Nord,Ginto,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"nasin-nanpa","Fairfax HD","insa pi supa lape";
You may also need to remove old versions of "nasin nanpa" as well as "linja nanpa". Especially if you want to use the (better looking) default CJK quotes instead the (old/bad) linja nanpa quotes.
Also updated: the AHK script(s)! (Download under "Assets" below)
The 3.0 version of the AHK scripts use all the correct encodings:
- Use [` and ]` for cartouches. (For alternate "extender" encoding, use =`)
- Use (` and )` after an extendable glyph for extended glyphs (like pi). (For alternate "extender encoding, use _`)
- Use -` for default joiner, ^` for stacking joiner, and *` for scaling joiner.
- Use .` to type a sitelen pona middle dot, and :` for sitelen pona colon, and [space][space]` for fullwidth space.
- Use <` and >` for CJK quotes.
- Use ~` for alternate glyphs.
Script variants:
- New script variant: the toggle script! ("sitelen-pona-toggle-3.0.ahk") Instead of using ` after words, use Alt+Space to toggle the script on and off. While on (it will be on when it starts), simply type the word followed by a space. In the same way, the symbols don't require the ` symbol ( e.g.: [space][space] -> [fullwidth space] / [period] -> [sitelen pona period] ).
- Use "sitelen-pona-3.0.ahk" to type full words followed by the ` character.
- Use "stl-pon-3.0.ahk" to instead use 3-letter word abbreviations (with `).
If you are using LibreOffice and want to use the OpenType features of the font, paste the following into the font box:
If you are using Aliucord to see nasin nanpa on Discord mobile, here's the link to paste into the font spot:
o sitelen pona a! :)