Releases: ETCDEVTeam/janus
4e74a8b solution: updated
c5c4712 solution: option to use symmetric GPG encryption
2cc729f Merge pull request #10 from ethereumproject/openssl-pass
33ede27 problem: insecure openssl password handling
5fde259 problem: should exclude testdata git repos because they
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.8 linux/amd64
60f0112 remove unused brew formula from goreleaser automation
16bc2e2 refactor -dir default
3c2faf8 include usage about %B hybrid format
4f951da TAG_OR_NIGHTLY uses -hex suffix if on tag
21d44fe update test with fn dir args
f33c564 problem: unable to specify directory for version command
466ae17 solution: update documention from lessons learned in practice
4a5d2cf problem: appveyor wrong artifact name
1f7eb81 problem: update README with gpg verification note
8ff8d7a problem: distributed gpg verification
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.8 linux/amd64
3433438 problem: refactor, add tests, and implement %B functionality
a00144a WIP: handle commit shas and tags more consistently
b9d3d5d problem: README could use a little love
530e613 problem: appveyor example should use env:syntax for PS
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.8 linux/amd64
1dd68f1 problem: should include conventional logic for tagged vs nightly builds > > solution: use format arg constant to use only tag semver version on tagged commits, > while using nightly syntax for commits above latest tag
65b2f35 problem: no example file for appveyor config
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.8 linux/amd64
cc0f9f6 problem: installer and usability for windows/appveyor
6730932 problem: must include darwin build for travis osx
05b62ab problem: go-ethereum relies on goreleaser for builds, should use secure version
81faa84 problem: README disorganized
3b109c5 problem: md syntax on README
8d2fd43 problem: README syntax
1a65dc8 problem: README outdated
b25f957 problem: PATH must be set outside script
c98f8dc problem: reorganize for legibility
35edf12 problem: export PATH in script only applies to subprocess
ec29566 problem: chmod for file that isn't there
6c98096 problem: janus not getting in PATH
96e4ae3 problem: path not exported
c5100d4 problem: permission denied to move bin to /usr/bin/
231be01 problem: HOME/bin doesnt exit in Travis
36bbbc0 problem: janus binary not found
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.8 linux/amd64