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接口 / APIs


新建菜单 / 构造函数


explicit Menu(std::string _title);                          //创建列表类 标题为_title
Menu(std::string _title, std::vector<uint8_t> _pic);        //创建图标类 标题为_title 图标为_pic

通过不同的构造函数创建的菜单,selfType 的值会不同,该值表明了这个菜单类实例是列表页还是图标页。

init() 方法和 deInit() 方法


初始化方法会根据 Camera 当前的位置以及配置文件,确定各个元素的位置。同时执行进场动画(注意,非过渡动画)。 逆初始化方法会执行退场动画。

void init(std::vector<float> _camera);
void deInit();

执行 init() 方法是必须的、不可省略的过程。但是通常情况下我们无需主动执行此方法,因为在下文会提到的 Launcher::open()Launcher::close() 以及 Launcher::init() 方法中,都调用了对应菜单的 init() 方法。

addItem() 方法


bool addItem(Menu* _page);
  • 若添加成功,返回 True
  • 若添加失败,返回 False
astra::Menu* rootPage = new astra::Menu("root");            //创建一个根菜单
rootPage->addItem(new astra::Menu("test1"));                //向根菜单中添加一个列表类 标题为"test1"
//rootPage->addItem(new astra::Menu("test1", pic_0));       //向根菜单中添加一个图标类 标题为"test1" 图标为pic_0
  • 给空菜单 Menu1 添加的第一个子菜单 Menu2 的类型 selfType ,决定了 Menu1 菜单的类型,即 childType
    • 如果 Menu2 是列表类菜单,那么 Menu1 就被判定为列表类,以列表类的方式对所有子菜单项进行渲染。
    • 若之后再向 Menu1 中添加子菜单,只能是列表类,以此类推。
    • 如果向 Menu1 中添加了错误类型的子菜单,该方法就会返回 False
  • 渲染菜单时,会根据此菜单的 childType 进行渲染。

render() 方法


void render(std::vector<float> _camera);                    //render all child item.
Menu* currentPage;
Camera* camera;


其中,camera->getPosition() 方法会在下文中有更详尽的介绍。


render() 方法本质上是在对应位置渲染当前菜单的所有后继菜单,详见菜单的概念

getItemNum() 方法


[[nodiscard]] uint8_t getItemNum() const;


getItemPosition() 方法


[[nodiscard]] Position getItemPosition(uint8_t _index) const;


getNext() 方法


[[nodiscard]] Menu* getNext() const;


getPreview() 方法


[[nodiscard]] Menu* getPreview() const;





新建 Camera / 构造函数

Camera 的构造函数是多态的,根据传入的参数不同,会创建不同的 Camera

Camera();                                                   //创建一个Camera实体 位置在(0, 0)
Camera(float _x, float _y);                                 //创建一个Camera实体 位置在(_x, _y)

在创建Camera时,若未给出坐标, (0, 0) 即是其初始坐标,若给出了坐标值,初始坐标就等于给定的坐标值。


outOfView() 方法


uint8_t outOfView(float _x, float _y);
  • 当指定坐标位于视野内时,返回 0
  • 当指定坐标位于视野上方或左侧时,返回 1
  • 当指定坐标位于视野下方或右侧时,返回 2

getPosition() 方法

Camera 最重要的一个方法,返回 Camera 当前的坐标。

std::vector<float> getPosition();

返回 Camera 当前的坐标容器 {x, y}

其中, getPosition()[0] 代表 Camerax 坐标。

同理, getPosition()[1] 代表 Cameray 坐标。

go() 及其一系列方法

用于将 Camera 移动到指定的位置。共有四个移动函数。

void go(float _x, float _y);                                //将Camera移动至(_x, _y) 并渲染平滑的移动动画
void goDirect(float _x, float _y);                          //直接移动 不渲染动画
void goHorizontal(float _x);                                //水平移动 不改变纵坐标
void goVertical(float _y);                                  //垂直移动 不改变横坐标

由于需要渲染动画,而动画的渲染并非一瞬间可以完成的,所以只有 goDirect() 可以在循环外执行,其余三个方法都必须在循环内执行。

同时,笔者也建议(或者说是您应该)在诸如初始化这样的仅执行一次的方法中,使用 goDirect() 方法对 Camera 进行移动,而不是其余三个方法。


包含五个方法,它们用于在元素溢出视野后,对 Camera 进行移动。

void goToNextPageItem();                                    //将Camera移动到下一页 用于列表类整页滚动
void goToPreviewPageItem();                                 //将Camera移动到上一页 用于列表类整页滚动
void goToListItemPage(uint8_t _index);                      //将Camera移动到指定的页面 用于列表类整页滚动
void goToListItemRolling(std::vector<float> _posSelector);  //将Camera滚动一行或多行 用于列表类单行滚动
void goToTileItem(uint8_t _index);                          //将Camera移动到指定的元素 用于图标页居中显示选择项

确保您当前菜单的 childType 与上方注释中方法的适用页面类型一致,否则会产生意想不到的错误。


isMoving() 方法

判断并返回 Camera 当前的状态。

bool isMoving();
  • Camera 正在移动,返回 True
  • Camera 未在移动,返回 False

reset() 方法

Camera 移动回初始位置

void reset();

update() 方法

接管一切关于 Camera 的移动。同时更新 Camera 的位置。

所以,用户无需主动执行上述移动 Camera 的相关方法,由 update() 方法进行托管即可。

void update(Menu *_menu, Selector *_selector);



新建 Selector / 构造函数


Selector() = default;

getPosition() 方法

获取 Selector 的坐标。

std::vector<float> getPosition();

返回 Selector 的坐标容器,参考这里

inject() 方法

将某个菜单注入 Selector ,从而让 Selector 可以获取到对应菜单的坐标值、索引值等等。

bool inject(Menu* _menu); //inject menu instance to prepare for render.
  • 若操作合法,返回 True
  • 若操作非法,如当前注入的是一个不存在的菜单,返回 False

destory() 方法


bool destroy(); //destroy menu instance.
  • 若操作合法,返回 True
  • 若操作非法,如当前并未注入任何菜单,返回 False

go() 方法

Selector 移动到菜单的指定元素处。

同时更改当前注入了的菜单的 selectIndex

void go(uint8_t _index);

Selector 移动是有动画的,所以该方法需要放在循环中调用。

render() 方法

渲染 Selector 到画布。

void render(std::vector<float> _camera);



新建 Launcher / 构造函数


Launcher() = default;

popInfo() 方法


void popInfo(std::string _info, uint16_t _time);

init() 方法

初始化方法,用于初始化 Launcher

执行此方法后, Launcher 就根据您传入的 根菜单 创建了一个新的 菜单树

void init(Menu* _rootPage);
astra::Launcher* astraLauncher = new astra::Launcher();
astra::Menu* rootPage = new astra::Menu("root");



open() 方法

打开 Launcher当前页面指针selectIndex(当前选择项) 对应的子菜单。

比如当前处在 根菜单 ,并且选择了 根菜单 的第二项,那么执行此方法便会打开 根菜单 的第二个子菜单。同时移动 当前页面指针 到新的页面。

bool open();
  • 判断操作是否合法,若不合法弹出错误弹窗。
  • 调用旧菜单的 deInit() 方法。
  • 移动 当前页面指针 到新的页面。
  • 调用新菜单的 init() 方法。
  • 调用 Selectorinject() 方法,将选择器注入新菜单。
  • 操作非法,返回 False
  • 操作合法,返回 True

若您尝试打开一个空的菜单,在默认情况下, Launcher 会弹出内容为"empty page!"的系统级弹窗。同时,各种指针将不会被移动。

若您尝试打开一个不存在的菜单,在默认情况下, Launcher 会弹出内容为"unreferenced page!"的系统级弹窗。同时,各种指针将不会被移动。

close() 方法


同时移动 Launcher当前页面指针 到新的页面。

bool close();
  • 判断操作是否合法,若不合法弹出错误弹窗。
  • 调用旧菜单的 deInit() 方法。
  • 移动 当前页面指针 到新的页面。
  • 调用新菜单的 init() 方法。
  • 调用 Selectorinject() 方法,将选择器注入新菜单。
  • 操作非法,返回 False
  • 操作合法,返回 True

若您尝试回到一个空的菜单,在默认情况下, Launcher 会弹出内容为"empty page!"的系统级弹窗。同时,各种指针将不会被移动。

若您尝试回到一个不存在的菜单,在默认情况下, Launcher 会弹出内容为"unreferenced page!"的系统级弹窗。同时,各种指针将不会被移动。

update() 方法


astra UI ,启动!

启动并渲染 astra UI

void update();



或者 简体中文

Interfaces / APIs


New Menu / Constructor

The function that creates the new menu (i.e. the constructor) is polymorphic. Depending on the parameters passed in, different menus are created.

explicit Menu(std::string _title);                          //Create list class with title _title
Menu(std::string _title, std::vector<uint8_t> _pic);        //Create icon class Title as _title Icon as _pic

Menus created through different constructors will have different values for selfType, which indicates whether the menu class instance is a list page or an icon page.

init() method and deInit() method

Initializes/inverse initializes the specified menu.

The initialization method determines the position of each element based on the current position of the Camera and the configuration file. It also performs an entry animation (not a transition animation). The inverse initialization method performs an exit animation.

void init(std::vector<float> _camera);
void deInit();

Executing the init() method is mandatory and cannot be omitted. But usually we don't need to execute this method, because the Launcher::open() , Launcher::close() , and Launcher::init() methods mentioned in the following sections all call the init() method of the corresponding menu.

addItem() method

Adds a submenu to the specified menu.

bool addItem(Menu* _page);
Return Value
  • Returns True if the add is successful.
  • Returns False if addition fails.
Usage Examples
astra::Menu* rootPage = new astra::Menu("root");            //Create a root menu
rootPage->addItem(new astra::Menu("test1"));                //Add a list class to the root menu titled "test1".
//rootPage->addItem(new astra::Menu("test1", pic_0));       //Add an icon class to the root menu with the title "test1" and the icon pic_0.
  • The type selfType of the first submenu Menu2 added to the empty menu Menu1 determines the type of the Menu1 menu, i.e. childType .
    • If Menu2 is a list class menu, then Menu1 is determined to be a list class, and all submenu items are rendered as such.
    • If submenus are added to Menu1 later, they can only be of list class, and so on.
    • If a submenu of the wrong type is added to Menu1 , the method returns False .
  • When rendering a menu, it is rendered according to the childType of this menu.

render() method

Used to render the current page.

void render(std::vector<float> _camera);                    //render all child item.
Usage Example
Menu* currentPage;
Camera* camera;


The camera->getPosition() method is described in more detail below.


The render() method essentially renders all subsequent menus of the current menu at the corresponding location, see menu concepts for details.

getItemNum() method

Gets the number of child elements the specified menu contains.

[[nodiscard]] uint8_t getItemNum() const;
Return Value

Returns the number of child elements contained in the specified menu.

getItemPosition() method

Gets the position of the element at the specified index in the specified menu.

[[nodiscard]] Position getItemPosition(uint8_t _index) const;
Return Value

Returns the position of the element at the specified index in the specified menu.

getNext() method

Gets a pointer to the child element of the specified menu that is being selected.

[[nodiscard]] Menu* getNext() const;
Return Value

Returns a pointer to the child element of the specified menu that is being selected.

getPreview() method

Gets the preview menu pointer for the specified menu.

[[nodiscard]] Menu* getPreview() const;
Return Value

Returns a pointer to the preorder menu for the specified menu.




New Camera / Constructors

The Camera constructor is polymorphic and creates a different Camera depending on the parameters passed in.

Camera();                                                   //Create a Camera entity positioned at (0, 0)
Camera(float _x, float _y);                                 //Create a Camera entity Location at (_x, _y)

When creating a Camera, if no coordinates are given, (0, 0) is its initial coordinates, if coordinates are given, the initial coordinates are equal to the given coordinates.

The initial coordinates are stored inside the Camera instance.

outOfView() method

Used to determine if a given point is outside the view.

uint8_t outOfView(float _x, float _y);
Return Value
  • Returns 0 when the specified coordinates are inside the field of view.
  • Returns 1 when the specified coordinates are above or to the left of the field of view.
  • Returns 2 when the specified coordinate is below or to the right of the field of view

getPosition() method

The most important method of Camera , returns the current position of Camera .

std::vector<float> getPosition();
Return Value

Returns the {x, y} container of the current coordinates of the Camera .

Where getPosition()[0] represents the x coordinate of Camera .

Similarly, getPosition()[1] represents the y coordinate of Camera .

go() and its set of methods

are used to move the Camera to the specified position. There are four move functions.

void go(float _x, float _y);                                //Moves the Camera to (_x, _y) and renders a smooth moving animation
void goDirect(float _x, float _y);                          //Direct movement No rendering animation
void goHorizontal(float _x);                                //Horizontal movement No change in vertical coordinate
void goVertical(float _y);                                  //Vertical movement No change in horizontal coordinates

Since we need to render the animation, and the rendering of the animation is not done instantly, only goDirect() can be executed outside the loop, the other three methods must be executed inside the loop.

It is also recommended (or you should) to use the goDirect() method to move the Camera in a one-time-only method such as initialize, instead of the other three methods.

Page Scroll Methods

Contains five methods that are used to move Camera after an element has overflowed the field of view.

void goToNextPageItem();                                    //Move Camera to next page For list class full page scrolling
void goToPreviewPageItem();                                 //Move Camera to previous page For list class full page scrolling
void goToListItemPage(uint8_t _index);                      //Moves the Camera to the specified page Used for full page scrolling in list classes
void goToListItemRolling(std::vector<float> _posSelector);  //Scroll Camera by one or more rows For single row scrolling in list class
void goToTileItem(uint8_t _index);                          //Moves the Camera to the specified element Used to center the selection on the icon page

Make sure that the childType of your current menu matches the applicable page type of the method in the note above, or you will get an unexpected error.

This pitfall may be circumvented in a future release.

isMoving() method

Determines and returns the current state of the Camera .

bool isMoving();
Return Value
  • When Camera is moving, return True .
  • When Camera is not moving, return False .

reset() method

Move Camera back to initial position.

void reset();

update() method

Takes over all movement of the Camera. It also updates the position of Camera .

So, you don't need to actively execute the above methods related to moving Camera , the update() method will take care of it.

void update(Menu *_menu, Selector *_selector);

It needs to be executed inside a loop.


New Selector / Constructor

No special handling.

Selector() = default;

getPosition() method

Get the coordinates of the Selector .

std::vector<float> getPosition();
Return Value

Returns the coordinate container of the Selector , refer here

inject() method

Injects a menu into a Selector so that the Selector can get the coordinates, index, etc. of the corresponding menu.

bool inject(Menu* _menu); //inject menu instance to prepare for render.
Return Value
  • Returns True if the operation is legal.
  • Returns False if the operation is illegal, e.g., if a non-existent menu is currently injected.

destory() method

Destroys and frees the injected menu.

bool destroy(); //destroy menu instance.
Return Value
  • Returns True if the operation is legal.
  • Returns False if the operation is illegal, e.g. no menu is currently injected.

go() method

Moves the Selector to the specified element of the menu.

Also changes the selectIndex of the currently injected menu.

void go(uint8_t _index);

The Selector movement is animated, so this method needs to be called in a loop.

render() method

Renders the Selector to the canvas.

void render(std::vector<float> _camera);

Because it involves rendering, it needs to be called inside a loop.


New Launcher / Constructor

There is no special treatment.

Launcher() = default;

popInfo() method

System-level pop-ups.

void popInfo(std::string _info, uint16_t _time);

init() method

Initialization method to initialize the Launcher .

After executing this method, the Launcher creates a new MenuTree based on the RootMenu you passed in.

void init(Menu* _rootPage);
Usage Example
astra::Launcher* astraLauncher = new astra::Launcher();
astra::Menu* rootPage = new astra::Menu("root");


Note that this method requires user-initiated execution during the initialization phase of the code.

open() method

Open the submenu corresponding to selectIndex(current selection) of CurrentPagePointer of Launcher .

For example, if you are currently in the root menu and have selected the second item of the root menu , then this method will open the second submenu of the root menu . At the same time, it moves the `current page pointer' to a new page.

bool open();
Execution steps
  • Determine whether the operation is legal or not, if not, pop up an error popup.
  • Call deInit() method of old menu.
  • Move current page pointer to new page.
  • Call the init() method of the new menu.
  • Call the inject() method of Selector to inject the selector into the new menu.
Return Value
  • Returns False if the operation is illegal.
  • Returns True if the operation is legal.

If you try to open an empty menu, by default, the Launcher will display a system-level pop-up window with the message "empty page!". Also, the various pointers will not be moved.

If you try to open a menu that doesn't exist, by default the Launcher will show a system-level popup with the message "unreferenced page!". Also, the various pointers will not be moved.

close() method

Close the current page and return to the previous page of the current page.

Also moves the Launcher's current page pointer to a new page.

bool close();
Execution steps
  • Determine whether the operation is legal or not, if not, pop up an error popup.
  • Call deInit() method of old menu.
  • Move current page pointer to new page.
  • Call the init() method of the new menu.
  • Call the inject() method of Selector to inject the selector into the new menu.
Return Value
  • Returns False if the operation is illegal.
  • Returns True if the operation is legal.

If you try to go back to an empty menu, by default the Launcher will show a system level popup with the message "empty page!". Also, the various pointers will not be moved.

If you try to go back to a menu that doesn't exist, by default the Launcher will show a system-level popup with the message "unreferenced page!". Also, the various pointers will not be moved.

update() method

takes over everything.

astra UI , start!

Starts and renders astra UI .

void update();

This method should and can only be called in the main loop of the program.


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