- ltun/* - based on libdnet (dumbnet on debian) (for fixing a bug I had with IPoIRC)
- base64/* - code ("heavily") based on http://doctrina.org/Base64-With-OpenSSL-C-API.html
- thread/* - idea came out of jthread, saw it could be nice when handling lots of threads (or somewhere, I guess), and well, I just implemented a very cheap version (there is probably a better library for this around
- regex/* - based on the pcredemo example (a bit modified though, for using a nicer interface)
- avanzada.cxx - translation from uni spreadsheets from Pascal to C++
- brainfuck.cxx - brainfuck interpreter + debugger
- interpolar.rkt - some fancy implementation of newton's divided differences, hacked it until I understood (somewhat) them
- draw-exio4.rkt - just playing with racket's pict library, drawing my nick and name with it
- fsm.rkt - (deterministic) finite state machine implementation
- play.repl.hs - small REPL interface for pico2wave
- tags - naive good-enough (for not a lot of data) tag manager
- lazy-machines - proof-of-concept algorithm of a partially lazy evaluated graph for a game
- gen-map - png->minetest schematic converter (rough, it works and everything, but still not finished)
- vfs - just a demo-ish vfs because I wanted to play with data families and things
- markov - just playing around with a markov chains
- daily/ - solutions to random problems in /r/dailyprogrammer
- useless_flatten.hs - flatten over.. arbitrarily nested data structures (using monad because I needed something polymorphic)
- dukto_hs/ - Haskell implementation of Dukto's protocol
- process_silence.hs - split a file in places where there's silence, with some pseudosmart calculations aiming at reducing small files creating by silence which didn't really meant much
- solutions to http://adventofcode.com/