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This repository contains a quantum computing framework implemented in TypeScript.


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Quantum.js Framework

This repository contains a quantum computing framework implemented in TypeScript. The library provides a Circuit class that allows users to create and manipulate quantum circuits using quantum gates. The library also includes static methods to generate random numbers and strings using quantum principles. Also, it includes a method to optimize the QAOA algorithm using the COBYLA optimization algorithm for the Max-Cut problem.


To use the Quantum.js library in your project, you can install it via npm:

npm i @earlold/quantum.js

Basic Example Usage

import { Circuit } from '@earlold/quantum.js'; // Import the Circuit class from the library

// Create a quantum circuit with 3 qubits
const circuit = new Circuit(3);

// Apply a Hadamard gate to the first qubit

// Apply a CNOT gate with the first qubit as control and the second qubit as target, 1);

// Run the circuit;

// Measure the qubits
const result = circuit.measure();


Supported Gates

The library supports the following quantum gates, check the table below for the corresponding methods:

Gate Method
Identity (I) i(qubitIndex: number)
Hadamard (H) h(qubitIndex: number)
Pauli-X (X) x(qubitIndex: number)
Pauli-Y (Y) y(qubitIndex: number)
Pauli-Z (Z) z(qubitIndex: number)
T-gate t(qubitIndex: number)
Controlled-X (CNOT) cx(controlIndex: number, targetIndex: number)
Controlled-Z cz(controlIndex: number, targetIndex: number)

Quantum Functions

Functions Description
Circuit.genRandomNumber Generate a random number using quantum principles
Circuit.genRandomString Generate a random string using quantum principles
Circuit.genRandomNumberWithRange Generate a random number within a specified range using quantum principles
Circuit.teleportationOneToTree Teleportation of a qubit from one quantum register to another
optimizeQAOAWithCOBYLA Optimize the QAOA algorithm using the COBYLA optimization algorithm for Max-Cut problem

Bell State Functions

Functions Description
Circuit.prepareBellPhiPlus Prepare the Bell state Phi+
Circuit.prepareBellPhiMinus Prepare the Bell state Phi-
Circuit.prepareBellPsiPlus Prepare the Bell state Psi+
Circuit.prepareBellPsiMinus Prepare the Bell state Psi-


The library uses the following dependencies:

For more information, check the documentation.