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EasyVizAR Edge Server

The EasyVizAR edge server coordinates interactions between AR devices, collects map, position, and image data from mobile devices, and disseminates important updates to all of the connected devices. The primary functionality is exposed through an HTTP-based API following REST principles and through a web-based dashboard. Other compute tasks such as object detection in images are accomplished through add-on modules that can be installed separately.

AR headset <- HTTP -> edge-server <- HTTP -> App or web interface

Recommended Installation

The recommended installation assumes an Ubuntu LTS server and relies on snaps for distribution and automatic updates. Snaps contain most of the application dependencies, so these instructions should work on various Ubuntu versions including 18.04 through 22.04.

Install the EasyVizAR edge server. By default, this will pull from the stable branch, which will only receive infrequent and tested releases.

sudo snap install easyvizar-edge

The server will listen on port 5000 and can be tested by directing a web browser to the server address and port, e.g. However, in a production setting, it is recommended to block external traffic to port 5000 and instead use a proxy, such as nginx as described below.

Install nginx and the rtmp module.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nginx libnginx-mod-rtmp

(Optional but recommended) Install the Let's Encrypt certbot for free SSL certificates, in order to enable HTTPS connections.

sudo snap install certbot --classic

Request a certificate for the server's domain name.

sudo certbot run --nginx -d EXAMPLE.ORG

Then customize the nginx configuration and restart the nginx server. A couple of recommended options are enabling the rtmp module for real-time video streaming and enabling automatic redirects from HTTP to HTTPS. Example configuration files are provided in the environment folder.

sudo systemctl restart nginx

The server should now be available and can be tested by directing a web browser to the intended domain name, e.g.

(Optional) Install the easyvizar-detect add-on module. This module automatically performs object detection on any photos uploaded to the edge server. It is currently experimental and may cause performance issues.

sudo snap install easyvizar-detect

Post-Installation Setup

Users and Authentication

When the server starts for the first time, it will create three default user accounts: admin, user, and guest. The admin and user accounts will be configured with randomly generated passwords that can be found in the log output. The guest account will have no password configured by default. If installed as a snap, the following command will reveal the default account passwords. You may need to open a connection to the server through a web browser one time in order for the initialization to complete.

sudo snap logs -n=all easyvizar-edge | grep user

It is recommended to change the admin and user account passwords after installation. This can be done on the Users page of the web dashboard if logged in as an admin user. The default admin and user accounts should not be deleted. However, the guest account can be safely deleted if desired.

Create a Location

In the EasyVizAR system, a location is any defined physical space to which virtual content can be anchored. A location might be a multi-floor office building, for example. The server will generate a unique QR code for each location. By scanning the QR code, EasyVizAR-capable devices can report their presence and synchronize their virtual coordinate system, with the QR code serving as the origin of the coordinate system.

Navigate to the Locations page on the web dashboard and use the form to create a new location. Then click on the newly-created location ID link in the table to go to page for that location. Initially, the map and tables will be empty but will be populated as devices join the location and send data. Click on the Location QR Code button to generate a QR code. It is recommended to print the QR code on letter size paper and afix it horizontally to a flat surface in the environment, roughly between waist and eye-level. Taping it to a table works well. The coordinate system for the location will have its origin at the center of the QR code, X-axis pointing to the right edge of the page, Y-axis pointing up from the QR code, and Z-axis pointing toward the top edge of the page. Floor plan maps will be generated in the same orientation as the QR code (imagine the QR code block were replaced with a map), so you may wish to orient the page according to how you would like the map to be generated.

Installation from Source

Install dependencies.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the server with default settings. By default, it will listen on localhost port 5000 and look in the running directory for data and configuration files.

python3 -m server

Run the server in development mode. This enables certain useful functions such as additional websocket commands which would be dangerous in deployment.

QUART_ENV=development python3 -m server

Run all of the unit tests with coverage report.

QUART_ENV=testing python3 -m pytest --ignore scripts --cov=server --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered

Alternatively, build and run using Docker.

docker build -t easyvizar-edge-server .
docker run --rm -p 5000:5000/tcp --name easyvizar-edge-server easyvizar-edge-server


Class UML Diagram


One function for the edge server is to provide a central exchange point for collaboration between multiple headset users. Therefore, the edge API will be consumed by a variety of applications including code running on the AR headset, a web interface, and even an Android app.

The latest version of the API specification can be found on any running edge server by navigating to the /openapi.html page or by clicking through the user menu in the top right corner of the dashboard. This document is automatically produced from comments in the code by using the apispec library.

To the extent it is reasonable, we adhere to the REST API design principles.