CallerAPI is a library for .NET Framework applications.It was created to request web APIs that deserialize the JSON or XML result from a web service to a model class.
Please install the last version:
PM> Install-Package CallerAPI -Version 2.0.1
The CallerAPI contains five public functions for use by users.The each functions take like parameter a action delegate method with typename paramater a Params class model.The each functions return a Result class model which contains the data or errors resulting from request.
This function return the data and errors resulting from web service as string.
public async Task<Result<string, string, HttpStatusCode>> RequestTextAsync(Action<Params> action);
These two functions deserialize the data resulting to a TValue model class or another object and the errors resulting as string.
public async Task<Result<TValue, string, HttpStatusCode>> RequestJSONAsync<TValue>(Action<Params> action);
public async Task<Result<TValue, string, HttpStatusCode>> RequestXMLAsync<TValue>(Action<Params> action);
These two functions deserialize the data resulting to a TValue model class or another object and the errors resulting to a TError model class or another object.
public async Task<Result<TValue, TError, HttpStatusCode>> RequestJSONAsync<TValue, TError>(Action<Params> action);
public async Task<Result<TValue, TError, HttpStatusCode>> RequestXMLAsync<TValue, TError>(Action<Params> action);
To send data to web service using the methods: POST, PUT, PATCH ... we need to encode the data in bytes.The basic ways to encode the data to bytes for the main content type are:
UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] content = encoding.GetBytes("JSON content...");
UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] content = encoding.GetBytes("XML content...");
var data = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("key", "value")
byte[] content = await data.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
var data = new MultipartFormDataContent();
data.Add(new ByteArrayContent("File bytes..."), "file");
byte[] content = data.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
Distributed under the MIT License. See MIT for more information.
Eduard-Nicolae -
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