A web application that allows the user to view the active flights and to upload or delete flights from server.
- uses Microsoft SQlite EF Core for the database.
- The database stores the flights and additional servers that the server connects to.
- The server synchronizes with other servers and receives additional flights from them.
- The server receives and sends json files.
HTTP command:
- GET /api/Flights?relative_to=<DATE_TIME> The server return a list of all the flights in the database that are active at the time given, and the position of the flights at that time.
- GET /api/Flights?relative_to=<DATE_TIME>&sync_all Like the previous, with the addition of all the active flights in the servers that it is synchronized with.
- POST /api/FlightPlan Gives the server a new flightPlan to save in the database. The flight plan is a jzon file in the body
- GET /api/FlightPlan/{id} The server returns a flighPlan with the given flight ID.
- DELETE /api/FlightPlan/{id} The server erases the flight with the given ID from the database.
- GET /api/servers The server return a list of the other servers it is synchronized with.
- POST /api/servers Gives the server a new server to synchronize with.
- DELETE /api/servers/{id} delete a server
- The webpage was designed using css and bootstrap
- Presents all the active flights in a table, separating internal and external flights.
- Shows the current position of the flights on the map.
- If a flight is clicked, in the table or the map, the complete route of the flight is shown.
- Option of adding new flights.
- Option of deleting an internal flight from the server
flightPlan: { "passengers": 216, "company_name": "SwissAir", "initial_location": { "longitude": 32.244, "latitude": 31.12, "date_time": "2020-01-01T07:00:00Z" }, "segments": [ { "longitude": 33.234, "latitude": 31.18, "timespan_seconds": 800 }, { "longitude": 34.234, "latitude": 33.18, "timespan_seconds": 700 } ] }
flight: { "flight_id": "[FLIGHT_ID]", "longitude": 33.244, "latitude": 31.12, "passengers": 216, "company_name": "SwissAir", "date_time": "2020-12-26T23:56:21Z", "is_external": false }
server: "serverId": "[SERVER_ID]", "serverURL": "www.server.com" }
- All the times in the program are relative to UTC.
- The client cannot access outside servers (add or remove).
- The calculations of the current position of the flights assumes a flat plain.