pyev3 can be used to interact with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3.
Send direct commands to the EVR from your PC (local host) using a USB or WiFi connection. pyev3 is an alternative to pybricks, which requires booting the EV3 brick from an SD card, and where micropython programs run in the EV3 memory. With pyev3 you can run the EV3 as is. Just connect it to a USB port, or create a WiFi connection, and you're good to go!
Interact with each one of the EV3 devices through simple methods and properties, implemented in the following classes:
- LegoEV3
- Motor
- Touch
- Color
- Ultrasonic
- Infrared
- Gyro
py -m pip install pyev3
Comprehensive documentation for pyev3 is available here.
Start and stop a motor using the touch sensor. The motor speed is proportional to ambient light intensity.
""" Example Code """
# Importing modules
import time
from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
from pyev3.devices import Motor, Touch, Color
# Creating LEGO EV3 objects
ev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
motor = Motor(ev3, port='A')
touch = Touch(ev3, portnum=1, inputmode='bump')
color = Color(ev3, portnum=2, inputmode='ambient')
# Initializing system
motor.outputmode = 'speed'
motor.output = 0
# Changing EV3 status light
# Running for 30 seconds
print('Running ...')
tcurr = 0
tstart = time.perf_counter()
while tcurr <= 30:
# Getting current time (s)
tcurr = time.perf_counter() - tstart
# Checking for even/odd number of 'bumps'
if (touch.output % 2) == 0:
# Assigning ZERO speed output
motor.output = 0
# Assigning output proportional to ambient light
motor.output = color.output
# Stopping motor and closing EV3 connection
- pyev3 was developed and tested on MS Windows 10. It uses cython-hidapi for the USB communication interface.
- It's very likely it will also work on Unix and macOS.