This node server will let you distribute your iOS IPA file to anyone over-the-air (on the internet). It includes a Basic authentication scheme that you can customize so just authorized people can actually download it. Be aware that if you don't have the devices registered in your provisioning profile, you will need to use the Enterprise distribution.
It is really simple to use. After the initial configuration, all you need to do is run your server, archive your project and paste the build files inside the server. Please read the detailed steps bellow:
I recommend you to use ngrok if you don't own a server with HTTPS on the web. More details bellow. You will need node and npm for running the server
$ git clone
$ npm install
If you want to change the default username and password (admin:admin), open the file /app.js and modify the following lines:
//Change the login and password to fit your needs
let login = 'admin';
let password = 'admin';
Before reading any further, you should decide if you are going to use a web server or ngrok to access your IPA Server. If you choose ngrok, please read the optional Ngrok configuration step now.
Inside the file /views/releases.ejs you should change the following line:
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://<%= login %>:<%= password %>@HOST-HERE/build/manifest.plist">Install App</a> <br>
Modify just the HOST-HERE part. e.g:
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://<%= login %>:<%= password %>">Install App</a> <br>
Make sure to run your local IPAServer by running node ./bin/www
from the terminal on the root folder. You should see something like: Listening on port 3000
First, you need to archive your project, click on Export and choose the "Development" option for distribution
Make sure to tick the "Include manifest for over-the-air installation"
You should provide your ipa and 2 images like the image bellow.
The portion "admin:admin" is the username and password from app.js, used for accessing the files in /build. You can change it in the code.
Finally, sign your App (using manual or automatic signing) and Click on Export This will generate a bunch of files. Copy and paste then to the build folder
Now you just need to access https://HOST/release from the device browser, sign in and download the IPA from the link.
ps: when you click the link, nothing will pop in the screen, but the app will show up in the home screen
Using the terminal, navigate to the Ngrok installation folder and then enter: ./ngrok http 3000
You should see something like this:
In this case, your host is