- Many students have their studies involuntarily prolonged due to a small supply of mandatory internship positions throughout their studies
- These positions are often filled within the first couple minutes of publication, leaving many student without an internship position
- internshipper.io helps these students find an internship position without the need to check for new positions daily
- The students provide their credentials to the platform, criteria for a desired internship position, and email verification
- In return, the platform will frequently poll for such internship positions, and notify the user via email, when a new position is found.
- A user can delete this subscription at any time, including personal data, and found positions. No strings attached
- Contact me if you wish to expand the implementation of internshipper.io to cover other haka logins
- Running client dev server:
- A proxy is enabled if needed. Requires a running
- A proxy is enabled if needed. Requires a running
$ yarn start
- Building the client
$ yarn build
- Running linter
$ yarn lint
- Running tests
$ yarn test
- Running the app e2e:
$ # First make sure your client is built
$ docker-compose up --build nginx
- Running backend tests
$ # Requires mongo, so docker is the easiest option
$ docker-compose up --build test-server
- Running backend linter
$ pipenv run lint
$ # OR
$ docker-compose up --build lint-server
- Connecting to mongo:
$ docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=internshipper_mongo -q) bash
$ mongo -u root -p root --authenticationDatabase admin