jungyeon working directory
BEFORE running the code, you have to download Kitti dataset! And then, change the dataset directory in
. Download
conda create -n [VIR_ENV_NAME] python==3.8
conda activate [VIR_ENV_NAME]
pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py
If you can run main.py
, the setting is done.
SSD(ResNet50) + Kitti(Object detection) + Confidence
SSD(ResNet50) + Kitti(Object detection) + Learning loss
- Learning loss code Github
- SSD(ResNet50) Github
- Wandb Github
- Kitti parameter Github
- maybe later : PyTorch 1.5.0 이상 버전에서 model weight update와 관련된 inplace operation이 수정되면서 zero_grad -> backward -> step의 과정이 최적화하고자 하는 변수의 순서에 맞춰서 수행되어야 해결되는 것으로 알고 있습니다.
- [논문] SSD: Single Shot Multibox Detector 분석
- 갈아먹는 Object Detection [6] SSD
- mAP 계산하기
- Object Detection
- Object-Detection-Object-Detection-튜토리얼
- Object detection: speed and accuracy comparison (Faster R-CNN, R-FCN, SSD, FPN, RetinaNet and YOLOv3)
- Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection: A Survey
- a-PyTorch-Tutorial-to-Object-Detection
- nvidia_deeplearningexamples_ssd
- kitti vis code : random_vis.py 코드
- kitti label : 라벨링 정보
- kitti dataloader pytorch : dataset.py
if time permits