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Releases: EgeCiklabakkal/Raytracer

Accelerated Ray Tracer

25 Mar 07:59
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Many improvements and features have been added in this version.
An important note is that, Distributed Ray Tracing features need to generate rays recursively. I plan on ditching that idea for the original in later versions, however, currently there might exist a bug related to DRT affecting the quality of the images.

Change log:

  1. Multisampling
  2. Bounding Volume Hierarchy(BVH)
  3. LookAt Camera
  4. PLY Parsing
  5. Smooth Shading
  6. BackFace Culling on Primary Rays
  7. Distribution Ray Tracing
    a. Depth of Field
    b. Area Lights and Soft Shadows
    c. Glossy Reflections


Basic Core Raytracer

22 Feb 16:33
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A basic ray tracer that supports ray-triangle and ray-sphere intersections with a simple perspective camera model and several shading models. These include diffuse shading, specular (Blinn-Phong) shading, ambient shading and ideal specular (mirror) reflectance.

The inputs to the program are custom XML files that define the camera and scene properties.
