Run in you shell:
composer install
# Create database
php bin/console d:d:c
# Update schema
php bin/console d:s:u --force
# Load fixtures
php bin/console d:f:l
php bin/console c:cl --env=prod
# Run benchmark
php bin/console app:benchmark
It will print you something like that:
Scenario 1:
* Run-and-die process
* One entity to serialize
* Entity is not loaded to doctrine cache
Jett serializer is ~ 2.6x faster
Scenario 2:
* Web-socket daemon (continuous execution)
* One entity to serialize
* Entity is loaded to doctrine cache once
Jett serializer is ~ 12.8x faster
Scenario 3:
* Run-and-die process
* Collection of entities to serialize
* Collection is not loaded to doctrine cache
Jett serializer is ~ 4.6x faster
Scenario 4:
* Web-socket daemon (continuous execution)
* Collection of entities to serialize
* Collection is loaded to doctrine cache once
Jett serializer is ~ 13.5x faster