I'm an experienced Software Engineer and Data Scientist who want to embrace immensities.
- Technology and Software Engineering
- Exact Science
- Machine learning and Big Data
- Citywide quality of health information system through text mining of electronic health records. Applied Network Science 6, 53. Funkner, A.A., Egorov, M.P., Fokin, S.A. et al. (2021).
- Automatic Extraction and Decryption of Abbreviations from Domain-Specific Texts. Studies in Health Tech- nology and Informatics. Egorov, M.P., Funkner, A.A. (2021).
- Geographical Topic Modelling on Spatial Social Network Data. Procedia Computer Science, 193. A.A., Elkhovskaya L.O., Egorov M.P. et al. (2021)
LotosLab is an online shop for choosing the cheapest analyses between the Helix, the Invitro and the Citilab companies. Stack: Python, Django, PostgreSQL.
School Security Access. Designed a client-server architecture for attendance marking automatization by using Django. Saved 3000 hours per year for 6 tutors. Reduced school paper consumption.
Sakha Language Handwritten Letters Recognition. Implemented the service for learning the Sakha language for preschoolers by using Django and Tensorflow frameworks. Created server to mining about 8000 unique handwritten letter examples from 87 people for CNN fitting.
Free offices finder telegram bot. The telegram bot for free rooms finding in the ITMO University's campuses.