- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing websites, mobile applications and software solutions, and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Studied Full Stack Web Development at HackYourFuture Copenhagen.
- 🎓 Studied Audit and accounting at Hautes Etudes Comptables et Financiers.
- 💼 worked as an intern at Ating APS as a full-stack web developer.
- 💼 worked as an intern at BlueBenu as a web developer.
- 💼 worked as an intern at Roomkast as a frontend developer.
- 💼 worked as an intern at Running Radiator as a mobile developer.
- 🌱 Learning the right skillsets, mindset, personal development, and personal growth.
- 💼 I am currently working as a frontend developer at Coalescent Mobile Robotics.
⭐️ From Ekamba