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A small, stand-alone, easy to use SGF parser library for Kotlin.

Haengma supports type-safe deserialization of SGF files and serialization of SGF trees. It also comes with an easy-to-use SGF editor that supports navigation and editing of an SGF tree.

Haengma is a Korean word which means roughly the way the stones move, or forward momentum (literally it means moving horse).

The term is used to

  1. describe various basic combinations of stones and their implications
  2. discuss more intricate moves that have a sense of tesuji
  3. describe a player's style.


Add a dependency on haengma

For build.gradle.kts:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")

dependencies {


import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfCollection
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.parser.from
import java.nio.file.Path

fun main() {
    // you can retrieve a sgf collection by deserializing a file
    val collection = SgfCollection.from(Path.of("game.sgf"))

    // ... or by deserializing a string
    val collection = SgfCollection.from("(;AB[ac:ic];B[jj])")

    // ... or by deserializing an input stream
    val inputStream: InputStream = ...
    val collection = SgfCollection.from(inputStream)
    // ... with the deserialized sgf collection you can filter trees by their respective game information
    val trees = collection.filter {
        it.gameName == "The ear-reddening game"


import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfCollection
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfGameTree
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfProperty
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.utils.nelOf
import java.nio.file.Path

fun main() {
    val tree = SgfGameTree(
        sequence = nelOf(
            SgfNode(SgfProperty.Move.B(1, 1))
        trees = emptyList()

    // you can serialize a tree to an output stream
    val file = Path.of("game.sgf").toFile()
    file.outputStream().use { tree.encode(it) }

    // ... or if you have multiple trees you wish to serialize to an output stream
    val anotherTree = SgfGameTree(nelOf(SgfNode(SgfProperty.Move.B(2, 2))))
    file.outputStream().use { SgfCollection(nelOf(tree, anotherTree)).encode(it) }

    // ... or if you just wish to serialize the tree to a string
    val sgf = tree.encodeToString()

    // ... which prints to (;B[aa])

Creating your own tree

import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.GameDate
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfColor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.commit
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToPreviousNodeOrStay
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToRootNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.placeStone
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString

fun main() {
    // you can create your own tree
    val editor = SgfEditor {
        rules {
            boardSize = 19
            komi = 0.5
            handicap = 2
        gameDate = listOf(
            GameDate.of(2022, 5, 21),
            GameDate.of(2022, 5, 22)
        gameComment = "This is an example"

    // ... and then start placing stones and navigating your tree
    val updatedEditor = editor
        .placeStone(SgfColor.White, 17, 3)
        .placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 16, 3)
        .placeStone(SgfColor.White, 17, 4)
        .placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 17, 5)
        .placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 16, 5)
        .placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 4, 4)
        .placeStone(SgfColor.White, 16, 16)
        .updateGameInfo {
            result = GameResult.Resignation(SgfColor.White)
            gameName = "The ear-reddening game"

    // ... when you feel that you are done you can commit your editor to a tree
    val tree = updatedEditor.commit()

    // ... and the tree will contain all the branches that you've added
    val sgf = tree.encodeToString()

    // ... which prints to (;GM[1]RE[W+R]GN[The ear-reddening game]FF[4]SZ[19]KM[0]HA[2]AB[dp][pd](;W[pp])(;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd](;B[dd])(;B[pe])(;B[qe])))

Setting up positions

import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfColor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfPoint
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.addStones
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.commit
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.placeStone
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.setNextToPlay
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString

fun main() {
    // you can also set up a position by adding stones to the board and telling whose turn it is
    // which can be handy if you wish to set up problems.
    val editor = SgfEditor()
        .addStones(SgfColor.Black, SgfPoint(4, 4), SgfPoint(5, 5), SgfPoint(6, 6))
        .addStones(SgfColor.White, SgfPoint(16, 16))
        .placeStone(SgfColor.White, 10, 10)

    // ... when you're done you can commit the changes
    val tree = editor.commit()

    // ... and the resulting sgf will be (;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]KM[0]AB[dd][ee][ff]AW[pp]PL[W];W[jj])
    val sgf = tree.encodeToString()

Iterating moves

import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.extractBoard
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToLastNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToNextMove
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.print
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.stay
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.tryRepeat
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.parser.from
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.utils.get
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.utils.orElse
import java.nio.file.Path

fun main() {
    val gameTree = SgfCollection.from(Path.of("game.sgf")).trees.head
    val moveNumber = 253
    val editor = SgfEditor(gameTree).tryRepeat(moveNumber) {
    }.orElse {

    val position = editor.extractBoard()

Scoring game

import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.commit
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.count
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.extractBoard
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.getGameInfo
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToLastNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.removeGroup
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.updateGameInfo
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.parser.from
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString
import java.nio.file.Path
import kotlin.math.abs

fun main() {
    val gameTree = SgfCollection.from(Path.of("game.sgf")).trees.head
    val editor = SgfEditor(gameTree).goToLastNode()
    val komi = editor.getGameInfo().rules.komi
    val score = editor.extractBoard()
        .removeGroup(SgfPoint(4, 4)) // remove dead groups
        .removeGroup(SgfPoint(16, 16))

    val gameResult = if (score < 0) {
        SgfColor.White wins abs(score)
    } else if (score > 0) {
        SgfColor.Black wins score
    } else {

    val updatedGameTree = editor.updateGameInfo { result = gameResult }.commit()
    val sgf = updatedGameTree.encodeToString()