A small, stand-alone, easy to use SGF parser library for Kotlin.
Haengma supports type-safe deserialization of SGF files and serialization of SGF trees. It also comes with an easy-to-use SGF editor that supports navigation and editing of an SGF tree.
Haengma is a Korean word which means roughly the way the stones move, or forward momentum (literally it means moving horse).
The term is used to
- describe various basic combinations of stones and their implications
- discuss more intricate moves that have a sense of tesuji
- describe a player's style.
For build.gradle.kts
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://jitpack.io")
dependencies {
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfCollection
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.parser.from
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.file.Path
fun main() {
// you can retrieve a sgf collection by deserializing a file
val collection = SgfCollection.from(Path.of("game.sgf"))
// ... or by deserializing a string
val collection = SgfCollection.from("(;AB[ac:ic];B[jj])")
// ... or by deserializing an input stream
val inputStream: InputStream = ...
val collection = SgfCollection.from(inputStream)
// ... with the deserialized sgf collection you can filter trees by their respective game information
val trees = collection.filter {
it.gameName == "The ear-reddening game"
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfCollection
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfGameTree
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfProperty
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.utils.nelOf
import java.nio.file.Path
fun main() {
val tree = SgfGameTree(
sequence = nelOf(
SgfNode(SgfProperty.Move.B(1, 1))
trees = emptyList()
// you can serialize a tree to an output stream
val file = Path.of("game.sgf").toFile()
file.outputStream().use { tree.encode(it) }
// ... or if you have multiple trees you wish to serialize to an output stream
val anotherTree = SgfGameTree(nelOf(SgfNode(SgfProperty.Move.B(2, 2))))
file.outputStream().use { SgfCollection(nelOf(tree, anotherTree)).encode(it) }
// ... or if you just wish to serialize the tree to a string
val sgf = tree.encodeToString()
// ... which prints to (;B[aa])
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.GameDate
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfColor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.commit
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToPreviousNodeOrStay
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToRootNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.placeStone
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString
fun main() {
// you can create your own tree
val editor = SgfEditor {
rules {
boardSize = 19
komi = 0.5
handicap = 2
gameDate = listOf(
GameDate.of(2022, 5, 21),
GameDate.of(2022, 5, 22)
gameComment = "This is an example"
// ... and then start placing stones and navigating your tree
val updatedEditor = editor
.placeStone(SgfColor.White, 17, 3)
.placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 16, 3)
.placeStone(SgfColor.White, 17, 4)
.placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 17, 5)
.placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 16, 5)
.placeStone(SgfColor.Black, 4, 4)
.placeStone(SgfColor.White, 16, 16)
.updateGameInfo {
result = GameResult.Resignation(SgfColor.White)
gameName = "The ear-reddening game"
// ... when you feel that you are done you can commit your editor to a tree
val tree = updatedEditor.commit()
// ... and the tree will contain all the branches that you've added
val sgf = tree.encodeToString()
// ... which prints to (;GM[1]RE[W+R]GN[The ear-reddening game]FF[4]SZ[19]KM[0]HA[2]AB[dp][pd](;W[pp])(;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd](;B[dd])(;B[pe])(;B[qe])))
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfColor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.SgfPoint
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.addStones
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.commit
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.placeStone
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.setNextToPlay
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString
fun main() {
// you can also set up a position by adding stones to the board and telling whose turn it is
// which can be handy if you wish to set up problems.
val editor = SgfEditor()
.addStones(SgfColor.Black, SgfPoint(4, 4), SgfPoint(5, 5), SgfPoint(6, 6))
.addStones(SgfColor.White, SgfPoint(16, 16))
.placeStone(SgfColor.White, 10, 10)
// ... when you're done you can commit the changes
val tree = editor.commit()
// ... and the resulting sgf will be (;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]KM[0]AB[dd][ee][ff]AW[pp]PL[W];W[jj])
val sgf = tree.encodeToString()
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.extractBoard
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToLastNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToNextMove
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.print
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.stay
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.tryRepeat
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.parser.from
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.utils.get
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.utils.orElse
import java.nio.file.Path
fun main() {
val gameTree = SgfCollection.from(Path.of("game.sgf")).trees.head
val moveNumber = 253
val editor = SgfEditor(gameTree).tryRepeat(moveNumber) {
}.orElse {
val position = editor.extractBoard()
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.SgfEditor
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.commit
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.count
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.extractBoard
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.getGameInfo
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.goToLastNode
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.removeGroup
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.editor.updateGameInfo
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.parser.from
import com.github.ekenstein.sgf.serialization.encodeToString
import java.nio.file.Path
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
val gameTree = SgfCollection.from(Path.of("game.sgf")).trees.head
val editor = SgfEditor(gameTree).goToLastNode()
val komi = editor.getGameInfo().rules.komi
val score = editor.extractBoard()
.removeGroup(SgfPoint(4, 4)) // remove dead groups
.removeGroup(SgfPoint(16, 16))
val gameResult = if (score < 0) {
SgfColor.White wins abs(score)
} else if (score > 0) {
SgfColor.Black wins score
} else {
val updatedGameTree = editor.updateGameInfo { result = gameResult }.commit()
val sgf = updatedGameTree.encodeToString()