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Kubernetes Dynamic Volume Provisioner for Elastifile

elastifile-provisioner is an out-of-tree dynamic provisioner for Kubernetes, based on the Kubernetes Incubator's nfs-provisioner. It can be used to dynamically provision Kubernetes persistent volumes on an Elastifile ECFS system.


git clone
$ cd elastifile-provisioner

Customize the Storage Class parameters in deploy/kube-config/storageclass.yaml to match your Elastifile setup:

kind: StorageClass
  name: elastifile
  nfsServer: ""         # Elastifile NFS address
  restURL: ""  # REST API URL
  username: "admin"                # REST API username
  secretName: "elastifile-rest"    # Name of Kubernetes secret storing the REST API password
  secretNamespace: "default"       # Kubernetes namespace for the secret

Create a Kubernetes secret with your Elastifile password:

echo -n "changeme" > password.txt
kubectl create secret generic elastifile-rest --from-file=password.txt -n default
secret "elastifile-rest" created

Create the Storage Class that you configured above:

kubectl create -f deploy/kube-config/storageclass.yaml -n default
storageclass "elastifile" created


kubectl create -f deploy/kube-config/serviceaccount.yaml -n default
serviceaccount "elastifile-provisioner" created
kubectl create -f deploy/kube-config/clusterrole.yaml -n default
clusterrole "elastifile-provisioner-runner" created
kubectl create -f deploy/kube-config/clusterrolebinding.yaml -n default
clusterrolebinding "elastifile-provisioner" created

Create the deployment for the provisioner:

kubectl create -f deploy/kube-config/deployment.yaml
deployment "elastifile-provisioner" created

Patch the deployment

kubectl patch deployment elastifile-provisioner -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"elastifile-provisioner"}}}}'


oc create -f deploy/kube-config/serviceaccount.yaml -n default
serviceaccount "elastifile-provisioner" created
oc create -f deploy/kube-config/openshift-clusterrole.yaml -n default
clusterrole "elastifile-provisioner-runner" created
oadm policy add-scc-to-user hostmount-anyuid system:serviceaccount:default:elastifile-provisioner
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user elastifile-provisioner-runner system:serviceaccount:default:elastifile-provisioner
oc patch deployment elastifile-provisioner -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"elastifile-provisioner"}}}}'

Elastifile provisioner validation

To validate the configuration please Create a PersistentVolumeClaim with annotation "elastifile". You may want to modify the storage size and/or the accessModes:

Example :

kubectl create -f deploy/kube-config/pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim "elasti1" created

A PersistentVolume is provisioned for the PersistentVolumeClaim. Now the claim can be consumed by some pod(s) and the backing Elastifile storage read from or written to.

kubectl get pvc
NAME      STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   AGE
elasti1   Bound     pvc-11819eb8-d66d-11e6-a66b-005056912012   3Gi        RWX           7s

$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   RECLAIMPOLICY   STATUS    CLAIM             REASON    AGE
pvc-11819eb8-d66d-11e6-a66b-005056912012   3Gi        RWX           Delete          Bound     default/elasti1             7s

Deleting the PersistentVolumeClaim will cause the provisioner to delete the PersistentVolume and its data.

Contributing/Developer guide:


get go

get docker

Set up the project

To start with, we’ll need the source code for the project. It’s important that it lives inside the GOPATH, so the easiest way to grab the code is with go get:

go get

We’ll do the rest of our work from the project directory:

cd $GOPATH/src/


To produce a provisioner binary:

$ make build

To build the provisioner docker image:

$ make container

To push the provisioner docker image:

$ make push