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Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree:

Project 1: Navigation


Let there be an agent sitting in the center of a large square world cluttered with yellow and blue bananas. The goal of the agent is to collect as many of the yellow bananas as possible while avoiding the blue ones. For this, the agent can move forward or backward and turn left or right.

This repository is an implementation of a simplified version of the Banana Collector environment of the Unity ML Agents Toolkit with only one agent and no obstacles.

Short sequency of the trained agent in action

Project Details

Project Environment

The project is implemented as a 4 layer neural network. The network is specified in the file The agent is implemented in the file, and the notebook Navigation.ipynb provides the interactive code to train an untrained and run a trained agent.

State Space

The agent's field of view consists of 7 horizontal rays around its forward direction. For each ray, the distance and category of the observed object is recorded. The category is one of the following:

  • yellow banana
  • blue banana
  • wall
  • other agent (not used in this simplified version) For each ray, the velocity of the agent in 2D is also recorded. The observation space, therefore, consists of $7 \cdot 5 + 2 = 37$ possible input values.

Action Space

The action space has 4 dimensions corresponding to the 4 discrete actions the agent can choose from:

  • 0: move forward
  • 1: move backward
  • 2: turn left
  • 3: turn right


A reward of $+1$ is provided for collecting a yellow banana, and a reward of $-1$ for a blue one.


The task is episodic. The agent must get an average score of $+13$ over 100 consecutive episodes.

Getting Started

The repository was developed and tested in a 64-bit Windows 10 virtual machine running Ubuntu 18.04 on an Intel Core i7-7700 CPU with dual NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080.

The following packages had to be installed:

  • curl:
    sudo apt install curl
  • git:
    sudo apt install git
  • conda:
    curl -O


This repository requires Python 3.6. A virtual environment drlnd was created like so:

conda create -n drlnd python=3.6

Next, a minimal version of openai gym had to be installed:

git clone
cd gym
conda activate drlnd
pip install -e .
pip install -e '.[classic_control]'
pip install -e '.[box2d]'

To install the Udacity Deep Reinforcement Learning repository, the following command was used:

git clone
cd deep-reinforcement-learning/python
pip install .

To add the drlnd environment to the jupyter notebook kernels, the following command was used:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name drlnd --display-name "drlnd"

Here is the list of installed python packages in the drlnd environment:

# packages in environment at /home/robond/anaconda3/envs/drlnd:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
absl-py                   0.6.1                     <pip>
astor                     0.7.1                     <pip>
atomicwrites              1.2.1                     <pip>
attrs                     18.2.0                    <pip>
backcall                  0.1.0                     <pip>
bleach                    1.5.0                     <pip>
box2d-py                  2.3.5                     <pip>
ca-certificates           2018.03.07                    0    anaconda
certifi                   2018.10.15               py36_0    anaconda
chardet                   3.0.4                     <pip>
cycler                    0.10.0                    <pip>
decorator                 4.3.0                     <pip>
defusedxml                0.5.0                     <pip>
docopt                    0.6.2                     <pip>
entrypoints               0.2.3                     <pip>
future                    0.17.1                    <pip>
gast                      0.2.0                     <pip>
grpcio                    1.12.1           py36hdbcaa40_0    anaconda
grpcio                    1.16.0                    <pip>
grpcio                    1.11.0                    <pip>
html5lib                  0.9999999                 <pip>
idna                      2.7                       <pip>
ipykernel                 5.1.0                     <pip>
ipython                   7.1.1                     <pip>
ipython-genutils          0.2.0                     <pip>
ipywidgets                7.4.2                     <pip>
jedi                      0.13.1                    <pip>
Jinja2                    2.10                      <pip>
jsonschema                2.6.0                     <pip>
jupyter                   1.0.0                     <pip>
jupyter-client            5.2.3                     <pip>
jupyter-console           6.0.0                     <pip>
jupyter-core              4.4.0                     <pip>
kiwisolver                1.0.1                     <pip>
libedit                   3.1.20170329         h6b74fdf_2  
libffi                    3.2.1                hd88cf55_4  
libgcc-ng                 8.2.0                hdf63c60_1  
libstdcxx-ng              8.2.0                hdf63c60_1  
Markdown                  3.0.1                     <pip>
MarkupSafe                1.0                       <pip>
matplotlib                3.0.1                     <pip>
mistune                   0.8.4                     <pip>
more-itertools            4.3.0                     <pip>
nbconvert                 5.4.0                     <pip>
nbformat                  4.4.0                     <pip>
ncurses                   6.1                  hf484d3e_0  
notebook                  5.7.0                     <pip>
numpy                     1.15.3                    <pip>
openssl                   1.1.1                h7b6447c_0    anaconda
pandas                    0.23.4                    <pip>
pandocfilters             1.4.2                     <pip>
parso                     0.3.1                     <pip>
pexpect                   4.6.0                     <pip>
pickleshare               0.7.5                     <pip>
Pillow                    5.3.0                     <pip>
pip                       18.1                     py36_0  
pip                       18.1                      <pip>
pluggy                    0.8.0                     <pip>
prometheus-client         0.4.2                     <pip>
prompt-toolkit            2.0.7                     <pip>
protobuf                  3.5.2                     <pip>
ptyprocess                0.6.0                     <pip>
py                        1.7.0                     <pip>
pyglet                    1.3.2                     <pip>
Pygments                  2.2.0                     <pip>
PyOpenGL                  3.1.0                     <pip>
pyparsing                 2.3.0                     <pip>
pytest                    3.9.3                     <pip>
python                    3.6.7                h0371630_0  
python-dateutil           2.7.5                     <pip>
pytz                      2018.7                    <pip>
PyYAML                    3.13                      <pip>
pyzmq                     17.1.2                    <pip>
qtconsole                 4.4.2                     <pip>
readline                  7.0                  h7b6447c_5  
requests                  2.20.0                    <pip>
scipy                     1.1.0                     <pip>
Send2Trash                1.5.0                     <pip>
setuptools                40.5.0                   py36_0  
six                       1.11.0                    <pip>
six                       1.11.0                   py36_1    anaconda
sqlite                    3.25.2               h7b6447c_0  
tensorboard               1.7.0                     <pip>
tensorflow                1.7.1                     <pip>
termcolor                 1.1.0                     <pip>
terminado                 0.8.1                     <pip>
testpath                  0.4.2                     <pip>
tk                        8.6.8                hbc83047_0  
torch                     0.4.0                     <pip>
tornado                   5.1.1                     <pip>
traitlets                 4.3.2                     <pip>
unityagents               0.4.0                     <pip>
urllib3                   1.24                      <pip>
wcwidth                   0.1.7                     <pip>
Werkzeug                  0.14.1                    <pip>
wheel                     0.32.2                   py36_0  
widgetsnbextension        3.4.2                     <pip>
xz                        5.2.4                h14c3975_4  
zlib                      1.2.11               ha838bed_2  

Udacity Project Repository

Download the project's repository from Udacity's GitHub page if you like to re-implement the project yourself. The environment can be downloaded here. The project's GitHub page contains links to download it for operating systems other than Linux.


Make sure the Banana.x86_64 and the folder Banana_Data from your environment are in your project directory, together with the and the files and the Navigation.ipynb notebook:


The files checkpoint.pth and unity-environment.log are (re-)created when running the notebook and don't exist initially.

Running the Code

To start the notebook, open a terminal and navigate to your project directory or a parent thereof, then enter

jupyter notebook

The notebook is opened in your standard browser. You might have to navigate to the project directory, then start Navigation.ipynb. Run the first three cells by clicking SHIFT ENTER

Training the Agent

Define the average score to be reached. The project required $13$ or more, $15$ was selected. Then run the relevant cells. Training progress is printed every $100$ episodes, moving average score has reached the predefined threshold, training is complete. The weights are then written to the file checkpoint.pth. and the average score over the last $100$ timesteps is plotted.

Running the Agent

To run the trained agent, load the weights from checkpoint.pth, reset the environment with train_mode=False and the score reset to $0$, then run until done.


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