A book about how to create a production level machine learning serving API with Flask, Gunicorn and Docker for people who have more of a mathematical background than computer science.
The framework to create the book is jupyter books: https://jupyterbook.org/intro.html
The full rendered book can be viewed via: https://eligijus112.github.io/api-book/
If you enjoyed the book and feel like donating, feel free to do so. The link to do a one time donation is via Stripe.
Additionaly, if you want me to add another chapter or to expand an existing one, please create an issue on Github.
virtualenv api_book
source api_book/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To add the virtual environment to Jupyter notebooks use the command:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=api_book
One of the main types of pages in this book are jupyter notebooks. To start a jupyter notebook session use the command:
jupyter notebook
There are some APIs that need to be running localy in order for the book to render. The commands to run the APIs:
cd api-book/chapter-5-API/api_full_example
uvicorn app:app --port 7999
cd api-book/chapter-6-production-tools/jwt_token_example
uvicorn app:app --port 8000
cd api-book/chapter-7-final-serving/ML_API
uvicorn app:app --port 8001
Before rendering the book be sure to activate the virtual environment!
source api_book/bin/activate
Building of the book:
jupyter-book build api-book
To publish the rendered book to github use the command:
cd api-book
ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html
To serve the book across multiple computers, servers or whatever place that Docker is installed in, we can build an image and create a container with which we can access the book.
The internal container port that serves the book content is 80 (the default Nginx port).
The created html of the book can be accesed via api-book/_build/html. To create a docker container that serves the book using nginx, first build the image:
docker build -t eligijusbujokas/ml-serving-book[:<tag>] .
Running the container on port 4000 on the local machine:
docker run -p 4000:80 eligijusbujokas/ml-serving-book[:<tag>]
The [:] part is optional and should be used only for the collaborators of this project.
To access the book, in your web browser go to:
And the book should be rendered.
After the building of the image, you can push it to DockerHub. The command to push the image to DockerHub is:
docker push eligijusbujokas/ml-serving-book[:<tag>]
The book is publicly available as an image in DockerHub. The address of the repository is:
To pull the latest image use:
docker pull eligijusbujokas/ml-serving-book:latest
To create the container with the access to the book use:
docker run -d -p 4000:80 eligijusbujokas/ml-serving-book