My name is Ella, and I'm a recent graduate with a BSc in Computer Science from the Illanot program for excellent students,
at Bar-Ilan university.
Here are some of the repositories you can find in my page:
💥Driver Awareness Monitoring App (Android app / Java / MySQL / Python / Flask)
💥Image Inpainting Using GAN (Deep Learning / GAN / Python)
💥Hidden Stratification Misprediction Research Project (ML / PyTorch)
💥Monte Carlo Tree Search Research project (ML / Heuristic Approach / Java)
💥Anomaly Detection WebApp (Javascript)
💥Joystick Stimulation (Android app / Kotlin)
💥modular Implemenataion Of FCNN (ML / Python)
Thank you for visiting my profile, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or opportunities to collaborate!