Python re-implementation of GaussDCA by "Fast and accurate multivariate Gaussian modeling of protein families: Predicting residue contacts and protein-interaction partners" by Carlo Baldassi, Marco Zamparo, Christoph Feinauer, Andrea Procaccini, Riccardo Zecchina, Martin Weigt and Andrea Pagnani, (2014) PLoS ONE 9(3): e92721. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092721. It is based on the original code in Julia
It is written as a Python library to be more easily integrated with our software.
It is fast, it runs in less than 40% of the time of the Julia version. This is due to a faster estimation of the similarity threshold yielding exactly the same resuls, and offloading the alignment compression to the C compiler. More details are available in the publication.
The compilation from Python to C is done with Pythran, a fantastic library to convert idiomatic Python code into blazing fast modern C++.
First install Pythran 0.8.5 or higher. Then, just use pip to install pyGaussDCA.
Pass the path to an alignment file to the function. The supported formats are A3M, FASTA, and ALN, without line wrap: every sequence spans one single line.
import gaussdca
results ='/path/to/a3m')