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A new Flutter Record Sharing project.


  • Save Login Data to local Storage
  • Follow Users
  • Search Users
  • Visit User Profiles
  • Share Recordings
  • Delete Uploaded Recordings

Packages we are using:

  • firebase_auth: link
  • firebase_core: link
  • cloud_firestore: link
  • firebase_storage: link
  • shared_preferences: link
  • cached_network_image: link
  • image_picker: link
  • flutter_sound_lite: link
  • permission_handler: link
  • path_provider: link
  • audioplayers: link
  • webview: link

This is a complete functional application that works on both Android and iOS devices.

JAJA App Final UI

Home Screen


Profile Screen


User Screen


Change Application Name & Bundle Id

Package - rename: link

  • Rename Application Name : run rename --appname "Jaja"
  • Rename Application Bundle ID : run rename --bundleId com.jaja.voiceshare

Change App Icon

Package - flutter_launcher_icons: link

  • step 1 : Replace the logo.png image with your logo.
  • step 2 : Change the logo path in pubspec.yaml file
  • step 3 : Run "flutter pub get"
  • step 4 : Run "flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main"

Change Splash Screen

Package - flutter_native_splash: link

  • step 1 : Replace the logo.png image with your logo.
  • step 2 : Change the logo path in pubspec.yaml file
  • step 3 : Run "flutter pub get"
  • step 4 : Run "flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create"

Update Pods

Run All Commands

cd ios

pod cache clean --all

rm Podfile.lock

rm -rf .symlinks/

cd ..

flutter clean

flutter pub get

cd ios

pod update

pod repo update

pod install --repo-update

pod update

pod install

cd ..

You must be in your application directory to run those commands