Media is the service that handles image uploading and also serving images, it interacts with uacl to authorize requests.
It's split into a ngninx container used to serve images and a golang container to handle uploads
HOST - In case the service needs to run on anything other than
PORT - In case the service needs to run on anything other than 80
FILE_LOCATION - Locations of files within the container to store images
EMAIL_FROM - Email configuration.
EMAIL_PASSWORD - Email configuration.
EMAIL_LEVEL - What level of logs gets sent to the email address.
base URL for static images
base URL for uploading images
Requests to will just return 404 if the image can't be found.
GET - /healthz - Standard endpoint that just returns ok and a 200 status code. Can be used to test if the service is up
POST - /image - User authenticated response that handles image uploads.
POST - /user_profile - User authenticated response that handles user profile image uploads