Play Before You Die is an ASP.NET MVC application that stores games with all their details, data, information and modifications to make the selected games understandable!
The idea for this project came from me, because as a gamer, before you play a game, you have to research if it's playable on your platform and search many websites for a specific mod that could improve the functionality and graphics of the game by a lot. This makes the process much easier and puts everything into 1 application.
The Administrator of the page has an area of its own and can manage the website by editing deleting and submiting changes:
Admin Credentials are: username: gamemaster password: Admin1234
- The project requires Microsoft SQL Server to run!
Step 1
- Clone the repo and open the PBYD - PlayBeforeYoyDie.sln project file in the 'PBYD - PlayBeforeYouDie' folder
Step 2 Initialize user secrets for the project
- The Keys needed for the project to work properly are:
- "ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection"
Step 3
- open the package manager console and set the default project as: PlayBeforeYouDie.Infrastructure and run "update-database" as command
Step 4
- Should be ready to use!
- The application uses SqlServer DbContext + Identity for the user control.
- The application uses Repository and In Memory DB pattern for getting data from the database.
- Database diagram:
- ASP.Net Core 6.0
- EntityFramework Core 6.0.1
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity 6.0.1
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer 6.0.9
Front End
- Razor Pages
- Bootstrap 5.1
- MSSQL Server
- NUnit 3.13.3
- NUnit3TestAdapter 4.3.1
- Moq 4.18.2
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory 6.0.11
Git tools
- GitHub
- GitHub Desktop/Tortoise Git